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Responses: 1
SSG Aircraft Mechanic
There need to be laws passed prohibiting donations for senators and representatives from out of state. California shouldn't have any influence at all over Georgia. There should also be laws regarding residency within a state. There was someone here in Alabama not too terribly long ago that was running for a political office who had recently moved here from Austrailia. (Note: They were originally a natural born American who had moved to and lived in Austrailia for a decade or two.) There should be a 5 or 10 year residency requirement to run for office in a given state.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
Although I see and agree with your point, I believe this was considered a 1st amendment right, within the limits noted in the FEC rules. PACs are the issue and the bundlers that can get away with violating the rules by using $100 limits which do not require exposing the source, worked out well for Clinton and Obama.
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