Responses: 3
This in regards to politics should be applied by all. It amazes me to see one group who emphatically lecture us that humans are flawed and then tell you big government is benevolent without even considering they are made of the same flawed humans who may have overzealous ambitions.
The lounder the discourse, the more this truth is revealed. This Pew Study captures the political shift on the left. One can deduce the Aristocrats have created this divide.
Pew Research Center Study Shows That Democrats Have Shifted To The Extreme Left | Stock News &...
Partisanship: Everyone knows that the country is more politically polarized than ever, but most don't know why. Data from the highly respected Pew Research Center provides a definitive answer. It's because Democrats have moved sharply to the extreme left. The Pew report — titled "The Partisan Divide on Political Values Grows Even Wider" — is the latest in a decades-long series of surveys it has conducted to gauge people's views on various key...
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