Posted on Jan 20, 2018
Republican Pedophile causing US Government shutdown?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 5
What is the point of bringing up Hastert's sexual crimes? Is the point that any legislation or change to house rules become null and void upon finding that any legislator involved in the legislation or rules change engaged in unrelated misconduct? This is the kind of nonsense that creates an environment where negotiation and compromise are not possible. Kicking people in the shins is not a good negotiating tactic.
Another Daily Kos article that pays fast and loose with the facts. You can see by the two corrections immediately following the article that the article itself contains misleading and inaccurate statements and the author knew it but published it anyway. However lets just focus on the so called "Hassert Rule". Rule is denied by Rep Hassert himself in 2013 and article does not offer any evidence that such a rule is being followed via examples. As far as the Child Abuse in the story, very tragic and not something that should be made light of.......Hassert destroyed at least one childhood and there is no forgiving him for that.
SSgt Christopher Brose
I gotta say, though, those comments were entertaining. The level of delusion in many of those people is impressive.
So let me make sure I understand this. The Daily Kos is saying that the Hastert rule prevents some bills from going to the floor in the House of Representatives, and that THIS is the cause of the current government shutdown? I checked the date on the article, it's dated Friday Jan 19, 2018 · 1:35 PM PST, so had to be either newly written or old but recently posted. The last paragraph indicates the article was newly written. My mind is blown, I am confused at how someone can be that confused/unaware/stupid/misinformed, especially when writing for a well known website.
If the Senate had passed a continuing resolution and sent it to the House, who then failed to vote on it because of the Hastert rule, then I think the writer would have a fair point. But quite the opposite happened. The House passed a continuing resolution -- that simple fact refutes the entire article.
If the Senate had passed a continuing resolution and sent it to the House, who then failed to vote on it because of the Hastert rule, then I think the writer would have a fair point. But quite the opposite happened. The House passed a continuing resolution -- that simple fact refutes the entire article.
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