Navy files criminal charges in connection with deadly ship collisions, including negligent...
Way back in 2018 the charges were brought forward for several valid reasons. One being that lives were lost, two, major combat assets were lost to service until repaired and three, the public and families were entitled to full airing of the events.
Several superiors were caused to resign/retire as they were responsible for the failure to address ops tempo and equipment issues.
In fact these criminal charges re. the COs were dealt with a year latter (2019) and essentially dropped. (See below)
I’m not sure who or what keeps cycling old and out of date blurbs but it doesn’t serve any Service well without the followup.

Navy Set to Drop All Criminal Charges Against Fitzgerald CO, Junior Officer; SECNAV Will Issue...
The Navy plans to drop all criminal charges against two officers for their roles in the 2017 fatal collision of USS Fitzgerald (DDG-62), USNI News has learned. Former Fitzgerald commander Cmdr. Bryce Benson and tactical action officer Lt. Natalie Combs will no longer face criminal negligence charges for their roles and will instead be issued …
This experimental manning altered my life and as a result my families life in major ways.
Here is a quote.
While acknowledging that the experiment was not a success, Admiral Hunt somewhat diplomatically refrained from mentioning that the idea was ill-conceived and doomed from the start because it ignored the fundamentals of crewing warships since navies first put to sea.

A Merciful End to “Optimal Manning”
Within the excellent remarks by Admiral Richard W. Hunt, Commander of Third Fleet, who delivered the Keynote Address to open USNI West 2011, was a confirmation of those made by VCNO, Admiral Jonathan Greenert, regarding the ending of the experiment of "optimal manning". While acknowledging that...

The Optimal Manning Experiment
Long ago, the Navy committed to minimal manning as a cost savings measure. They later changed the phrase to “optimal manning” as a public ...

The Optimal Manning Experiment
Long ago, the Navy committed to minimal manning as a cost savings measure. They later changed the phrase to “optimal manning” as a public ...

A Merciful End to “Optimal Manning”
Within the excellent remarks by Admiral Richard W. Hunt, Commander of Third Fleet, who delivered the Keynote Address to open USNI West 2011, was a confirmation of those made by VCNO, Admiral Jonathan Greenert, regarding the ending of the experiment of "optimal manning". While acknowledging that...