Posted on Jan 16, 2018
"THAT'S RACIST!!!" Anderson Cooper DESTROYS Trump Lackey Jason Miller on Trump's Sh*thole Slur
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 12
Are we talking about the same racist who financed medical missions to Haiti from his own pocket? Are we talking about the same racist who Jesse Jackson praised? Are we talking about the same racist who shared honors with minority winners of national recognition? When did he become a racist? Oh yes, when he was elected President and threatened to tear down Leftist programs and monuments...
CPT Jack Durish
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - Did you often see monsters under your bed or in your closet when you were young?
CPT Jack Durish
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - :You say that without evidence. On the other hand we have many postings in this forum of you chasing shadows and cowering from the monsters that you complain of.
Has nothing to do with racism; the countries would be SHs regardless of the color of the people living there. The people are not that bad or any worse inherently than a bunch of US and any of US could have ended up living in a SH. To racists, everything is about race.
SSG Jessica Bautista
You are not acknowledging his decades of racist comments and actions. That is not in our imagination. Not everything is about race, but that doesn't mean nothing is about race.
Maj John Bell
And... times and people change. It is hard to understand the context when you did not live in the time. And context matters, I'm half Mexican. Growing up in Tucson, that meant "all Mexican" to many of my friends parents, and Grandparents.
When My Dad and I first moved to Tucson, the realtor advised my Dad to conceal my "ethnicity" from sellers because some of them weren't going to be first to sprinkle any "chili powder" in the neighborhood. My Grandfather as mean, hateful, and racist a stereo typical Scot Irishmen as you could ever meet referred to me as "wetback number three" when he addressed me, my entire life.
There were adults who had no problem with my "ethnicity" while I was running around with their boys; who had serious and genuinely well meant concerns for both me and their daughters if we dated. Latino boys who dated white girls had a habit of getting "thumped" and the "white" girls who dated Latino boys were labeled as "easy." There were some older folks who thought they were truly progressive because they let me use their bathroom when I was fixing something in their home. But this believe it or not was an improvement. Pre-WWII my mother could not have entered a bar in Tucson as anything but kitchen help, unless she wanted to be groped and listen to the most extreme inappropriate sexual comments.
The funny thing is that young Latinos are more incensed by how I was treated then I am and was. It wasn't a better time, but it was a different different time. Societies do not change with the flip of a switch they change with the roll of generations. What the Trumps did in the 50's, 60's and 70's was standard business practice if you wanted to do business with high rollers. I'm not defending it, I'm just trying to put context to it. Letting a minority lease space in a building could drop the lease price by 20%-40%. When the rubber meets the road, many people lack the intestinal fortitude to be outraged, when it requires a very real, very significant personal sacrifice. I think he was less active racist and more this is what I have to do to protect the values of my properties. I don't hate cowards I pity them and forgive them.
When My Dad and I first moved to Tucson, the realtor advised my Dad to conceal my "ethnicity" from sellers because some of them weren't going to be first to sprinkle any "chili powder" in the neighborhood. My Grandfather as mean, hateful, and racist a stereo typical Scot Irishmen as you could ever meet referred to me as "wetback number three" when he addressed me, my entire life.
There were adults who had no problem with my "ethnicity" while I was running around with their boys; who had serious and genuinely well meant concerns for both me and their daughters if we dated. Latino boys who dated white girls had a habit of getting "thumped" and the "white" girls who dated Latino boys were labeled as "easy." There were some older folks who thought they were truly progressive because they let me use their bathroom when I was fixing something in their home. But this believe it or not was an improvement. Pre-WWII my mother could not have entered a bar in Tucson as anything but kitchen help, unless she wanted to be groped and listen to the most extreme inappropriate sexual comments.
The funny thing is that young Latinos are more incensed by how I was treated then I am and was. It wasn't a better time, but it was a different different time. Societies do not change with the flip of a switch they change with the roll of generations. What the Trumps did in the 50's, 60's and 70's was standard business practice if you wanted to do business with high rollers. I'm not defending it, I'm just trying to put context to it. Letting a minority lease space in a building could drop the lease price by 20%-40%. When the rubber meets the road, many people lack the intestinal fortitude to be outraged, when it requires a very real, very significant personal sacrifice. I think he was less active racist and more this is what I have to do to protect the values of my properties. I don't hate cowards I pity them and forgive them.
SPC Erich Guenther
BTW, it's 2018 and nothing much has changed in NYC in regards to Fair Housing.......the lawsuits continue...

City to Settle Discrimination Claim in Brooklyn Housing Plan
An eight-year legal fight over racial discrimination in a proposed development plan for the Broadway Triangle ends with the city agreeing to changes.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
Haiti being a hole has nothing to do with the point, he was talking about the people from there and saying that they were not wanted
SFC Jerry Humphries
Yes, yes , send us more uneducated unskilled, sickly people so we can take up the Burden of Haiti’s failed government. And prop up their President for life.
SSG Roger Ayscue
SFC Jerry Humphries - No Doubt....PLEASE, STOP opening the door to the segment of the worlds population that can not manage to feed themselves, and can not realize that you don't keep whelping out kids you can not feed.
I say ALL IMMIGRANTS should have a skill we need, the ability to speak ENGLISH READ ENGLISH AND WRITE ENGLISH. And understand what a DUI is!
I say ALL IMMIGRANTS should have a skill we need, the ability to speak ENGLISH READ ENGLISH AND WRITE ENGLISH. And understand what a DUI is!
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