Responses: 8
I like Sig, I own their AR15 variant (Patrol 516). It is a great rifle. Their quality is really there too. Just not a fan of the 9MM. I settled on a .40 conceal carry weapon (Glock 27). It is a subcompact and is small enough to carry everyday and has the punch of a .40 cal round and good capacity as well. A lot of this is really just personal preference, there are lot of nice weapons out there to choose from.
Cpl Jeff N.
MAJ Charles Blake - I don't have access to AAFEs so I have to buy in the real world of private enterprise. Bulk Ammo (and a couple of other spots) have specials for 500-1000 rounds that are pretty good per round.
SGT Aaron Atwood My 7.62 is x 39 so 7.62 x 51 is a new size for me.
LTC Jeff Shearer I try to take some elixir for the ailment I have, usually coffee. My primary care doctor is a former Navy Corpsman so he recommends a lot of relaxation at the range for me to deal with this.
SGT Aaron Atwood My 7.62 is x 39 so 7.62 x 51 is a new size for me.
LTC Jeff Shearer I try to take some elixir for the ailment I have, usually coffee. My primary care doctor is a former Navy Corpsman so he recommends a lot of relaxation at the range for me to deal with this.
LTC Jeff Shearer
hahaha Jeff I like the way your doc thinks haha A couple years ago I got a new general doctor and was getting a physical. I was telling about all my aches and pains. He squinted his eyes for a second looked all doctor like, shook his head and smiled. He said, after jumping out of airplanes and carrying all shit for so many years I think you are okay, nothing serious. I looked at him and ask him if he spent time in the military? He laughed and said no, that just common sense. Last visit he showed lots of pics of him and his son with deer, elk, duck. He's a big hunter, but he is from Louisiana.
SGT Aaron Atwood
Cpl Jeff N. Got it. You didn't specify the 39 originally so I didn't know you were talking about that.

Suspended Profile
Cpl Jeff N. - I use Freedom Munitions a lot. They will give you credit to buy back your brass if you are not reloading.
I would get a micro for my Wife, she has small hands and it would be perfect (9 MM no recoil)....I am a .45 guy. I do have one .357 Magnum Security Six and I am planing on an an 1894 Lever in .38/.357 so like rounds for both. I do have a P239 in .40 that fits the ankle perfect. and a number of other firearms.....
CPT (Join to see)
If your ankle is big enough to conceal a Sig P239, you should consider just stomping them to death.
Jefe, I have owed/carried several different version of Sig. They are by far the most reliable of any auto handgun I have ever used or carried. I am not even close to a gun snob, I like all kinds of guns but from use and carry the Sig is at the top of my list. Jack I don't own one yet but I had an issue p229 .357SIG. Holy shit, the round was small, very fast, and had knock down power of a mack truck. I have no idea how many rounds I have shot but I have shot them clean, dirty, hot, cold they have never let me down. great guns! They don't give them away but it is well worth every penny.
LTC Jeff Shearer
Jeff, I could not agree more. I am not a gun nut, I just like good guns. I am retired from everything now more or less but I still have a Sig laying around here and there hahaha you just in case the damn north koreans or some other terrorist group decide to attack the firebase here hahaha
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