Posted on Jan 10, 2018
British Army ads emphasize emotional support
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 8
Army's "Be All You Can Be" Commercial"
From my old Army days, the Be All You Can Be Soldier. I liked this one... the 'we do more before 9am than most people do in a day' one. Ehhh nostalgia...
SGT (Join to see)
Great commercial LTC Orlando Illi until he started talking to the First Sergeant. Always wait for the First Sergeant to address you! I am reminded of the movie We were Soldiers Once and Young when CSM Plumley said, "What are you a fucking weatherman now?". Hahaha!
LTC Orlando Illi
When I was a Company Commander my 1SG would have bit his head off and say this to him for being insolent enough to bother him with petty shit (as he would say)

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