Posted on Jan 8, 2018
2017 2nd Highest National Instant Check System Numbers on Record
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 3
I know many in the LGTBQ community who got both guns and training after the Orlando Pulse shooting. I'm a member of Operation Blazing Sword, which is a community of gun owners who are LGBTQ friendly, and are willing to take anyone, regardless of race, gender, preference, creed, or politics, to the range, provide basic gun safety and marksmanship, instruction, and if they remain interested, help them pick out a gun at the gun shop.
LTC Thomas Tennant
The 2nd Amendment applies to us all, regardless of political stripe, race, gender, ethnic background and even sexual orientation. That was the genius of the Founding Fathers and the way they crafted the Constitution and later the "Bill of Rights". While they were very much products of their time and flawed as individuals, they saw the world through historical universal principles and chief among them was the right of everyone to defend themselves, even their own tyrannical government. They were on (to them) the frontier of civilization and that meant that help in times of peril was days or months away, and that helped instilled in the American DNA the trait of self-sufficiency, self defense and own arms. Now, because of the turbulence we see as part of our society and the world at large, it only make sense for us to arm ourselves and encourage others to do like wise. If I am being attacked, I will not care about the person next to me fighting back, but I do care are they competent and able to cover my flanks and back.
SSgt Christopher Brose
I'm a member of Blazing Sword too. Sadly, to date nobody has solicited my help.
SPC Tiffany Reynolds
Yeah, I have yet to be called on myself. I have taken family members, friends, and co-workers to the range, though, and I've been instrumental in helping 5 people obtain their carry permits, including my 75 year old Mom.
I agree, LTC Thomas Tennant. Americans freely enjoyed their 2nd Amendment rights more than ever before. I know I did! LOL
I wonder how many of those people are liberals who bought guns because of Trump? (I know there was a rush of people in late 2016 who did, but I don't know how much of that carried over into 2017.)
Nothing against anybody who did, I'm all for gun ownership by anyone who is legally eligible. I just found it amusing and gratifying that the people on the left who made fun of people on the right for claiming that fear of government was the original reason for the 2nd Amendment were now buying guns because they feared a Trump-led government.
Nothing against anybody who did, I'm all for gun ownership by anyone who is legally eligible. I just found it amusing and gratifying that the people on the left who made fun of people on the right for claiming that fear of government was the original reason for the 2nd Amendment were now buying guns because they feared a Trump-led government.
LTC Thomas Tennant
Yes, what you pointed out is good for good laugh. I have found if I patiently wait that most times the hypocrites usually prove me right and come around to my conservative & conservationist point of view. They would never admit it but they do because conservatism is tends to be fact based, grounded on time honored values & principles and historical in perspective.
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