Responses: 5
The rules have not changed for the use of the ASP baton. Make it you less lethal weapon of choice and people will be begging to bring back the taser. They will then place it in your use of force continuum after verbal commands. Its rightful place.
MSgt C Madd
1SG (Join to see) You are 100% correct, Legal staff of most Law Enforcement agencies are recommending just that. Effectiveness of Taser has many forgetting about this tool on their belts. ASP baton or when I started, MP club, have tried and true policy on the books. We shall see.
When I read the story this morning, my thoughts followed yours exactly. The reason to have Tasers is exactly for this types of folks. Tasers are used to prevent the use of deadly force. This policy will only get more folks killed and cops hurt. Very short sighted indeed.
MAJ (Join to see)
I agree that the PR24 is a great tool, unfortunately in todays age of cell phone cameras a video of an officer striking a suspect with a baton "looks bad" and the ASP is just not big enough to do anything but brake and rake windows. I do miss the old side handle...
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