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Responses: 8
LTC Stephen C.
As Secretary of Defense James Mattis stated (while still a general in the USMC), "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."
SFC William Farrell GySgt Melissa Gravila
SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
7 y
I love that comment LTC Stephen C.
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Cpl Bernard Bates
I wonder if the big fight is in congress instead of the Battlefield. After World Warll, It was decided by some Army Brass that The Marine Corp. was obsolete and not needed anymore because The Army, Navy and Air Force could do all the thing the Marines had done and do it better because they had more resources. The other services would get the budget the Marines had got. Come 1950 when the Korean war started. Because the army didn't have men and equipment in South Korea and Japan they almost lost South Korea. The marines were asked what they could do because they had been severely downsized. Within a few weeks the Corp sent out the call to marines stationed all over the world. Most all were WWll veterans and reserve and recruits that never had basic training. The 4th Marine Brigade was formed. They boarded ship and the recruits were trained aboard ship by Veterans When they got to Korea they were a combat ready Unit with supporting equipment Tanks, Artillery Planes . They broke out of the Pusan Primeter. McArthur used them to make the Inchon landing to cut off enemy supplies. Congress decided the USA. had better keep the Marine Corp. Maybe today with all the Modern warfare the government is thinking of eliminating the Corp again. I hope not. Semper fi.
SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
>1 y
I hope not too Cpl Bernard Bates The Marines have a long and proud history. Both my brother and his wife served in the Marines.
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CW3 Harvey K.
Vigilance. Just vigilance.
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