Posted on Dec 21, 2017
VERBATIM: Firing Mueller could spark 'constitutional crisis' - Reuters TV
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 19
Keep seeing Grumpy Cat when I try to respond to Nagle; he can’t stand being called out on his delusional views. It’s too bad because I can’t upvote him either on those rare occasions we agree on something. Well, that’s his loss. Same goes for the grumpy lawyer who doesn't like his Progressive views challenged. Progressives are more interested in telling us what they think than they are in hearing what others have to say -- especially those who dare expose their fallacies and toxic agenda.
With that said, if Trump were to fire Mueller, it would be a sure sign that Trump is serious about making good on his campaign pledge to take this country back and put control of it back in the hands of voters. Of course, the Deep State and Progressive Special Interests don't want to see that happen. Mueller is exceedingly corrupt and shouldn’t even be in the job. His whole purpose for being brought on is to conduct an open-ended witch hunt and try to find Trump guilty of something so they can not only get him out of Office but put him in jail... before he uncovers their corruption and they all go to jail. Frankly, they are very paranoid and unsophisticated. They telegraph all their moves and Trump reads them like an X-ray; he sees right through them. Trump is giving them the rope and they will use it to hang themselves! Watch and see!
With that said, if Trump were to fire Mueller, it would be a sure sign that Trump is serious about making good on his campaign pledge to take this country back and put control of it back in the hands of voters. Of course, the Deep State and Progressive Special Interests don't want to see that happen. Mueller is exceedingly corrupt and shouldn’t even be in the job. His whole purpose for being brought on is to conduct an open-ended witch hunt and try to find Trump guilty of something so they can not only get him out of Office but put him in jail... before he uncovers their corruption and they all go to jail. Frankly, they are very paranoid and unsophisticated. They telegraph all their moves and Trump reads them like an X-ray; he sees right through them. Trump is giving them the rope and they will use it to hang themselves! Watch and see!
We might be able to get some answers if someone would arrange a meeting between Bill Clinton and Jeff Sessons on a remote airport...
I am about feed up wth this. Trump taking a dump on Pelosi’s desk could cause a constitutional crises. Eric Holder warns Trump not to dodo on Pelosi’s desk. New York Times editorial says Dumping on Pelosi’s desk is grounds for impeachment. That makes about as much sense. Mueller is an asset. The FBI fumbling along and can’t even report on wether it used the Steel Dossier is trying to uncover Trump Russian contacts. You have FBI agents shagging other FBI agents and telling them they have insurance if Trump gets elected. FISA judges have recused themselves and the press has an orgasm ever time Mueller or McCabe passes gas. I mean Trumps financial records from Deutsche Bank were subpoenaed right, well no but it sounds good anyway... why would anybody fire such an entertaining group that make the 3 stooges look like Mensa canidates! The whole process has demonstrated the press is a bunch of incompetent boased boobs to the point that even a blindman can see it! I mean really, fire Mueller while he is self destructing is insane.
SN Ron Jett
Capt Gregory Prickett - And those two where not charged with anything to do with collusion. And with Strzoks(knowing his animosity towards Trump) as the one who investigated Flynn. How do we know Flynn lied, because Strzoks said so? And I don't see how you think Trump is scared. More than likely hes just PO'ed this witch hunt has gone on as long as it has, I know I would be.
LTC David Brown
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - when you are a liberal you change rules. Bill Clinton, no problem , now Trump is the scum of the earth based on just accusations. Obama contacts Foreign leaders before being elected no problem no Trump is lower than whale feces for trying to contact the Russians after being elected. You would think he had told the Russians he would be more flexible after the election !
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