Posted on Dec 20, 2017
Will companies spend tax savings to create jobs?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 2
As stated in a previous post, a corporate tax is basically a tax on the consumer. Because corporations figure their taxes into their cost and pass it along to the consumer, so lowering the corporate tax should help lower some consumer goods prices, plus most large corporations were keeping their reserve cash in banks overseas thru dummy corporate HQ's, maybe now they will bring that cash back into the U.S. and invest it.
Since less than half the population own stock, and much of this is in retirement funds, there is not a lot there to spend. Also, most of those that do own stock are in the older generations, who also don't spend as much as the millennials.
Trickle down,,,, it don't!
Trickle down,,,, it don't!
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSgt Kurt S. - I am 75 years old and live on my military retirement and social security. If I had an extra $40K, I would treat my wife to a trip to Europe.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSgt Kurt S. - You have no idea about me or my finances. I simply posted that I did not have an extra $40K laying around.
I have worked hard my entire life, beginning at 14 years of age, so please don't tell me how hard you worked.
The point of my response to this thread is I do not believe in the "trickle down" theory. Plain and simple. Just because the stock market is doing so well (for how long, who knows?) does not mean the working class are any better off financially.
I have worked hard my entire life, beginning at 14 years of age, so please don't tell me how hard you worked.
The point of my response to this thread is I do not believe in the "trickle down" theory. Plain and simple. Just because the stock market is doing so well (for how long, who knows?) does not mean the working class are any better off financially.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSgt Kurt S. - I did not say I did not own stocks, I said I live on my retirement check and SS. Also, I said I did not have an extra $40K to invest.
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