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Responses: 3
LTC Stephen C.
SGT Chris Wagoner, I live in Tennessee, but travel to Florida on occasion for vacations and to visit old friends. I read this about concealed carry in Florida, and I think it's true, so I've always been careful to dress accordingly. From what I've read, even if your weapon is concealed, if the profile of the weapon is visible under your clothes, then it's no longer considered a concealed weapon and you're in violation of the law.
That's what I've read, so that's the way I dress when in Florida!
SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
2 y
LTC Stephen C. this just popped up on my feed Steve. That is BS about showing under your clothes. If the gun is plainly visible under your shirt that is one thing but if it's just a bulge, then it shouldn't be a problem. I got stopped by a local cop who just happened to see my firearm as the wind blew my jacket open slightly. He was on the phone and I knew he had an issue when he said I gotta go! He asks me if Im carrying a weapon and I tell him yes and show him my law enforcement ID. He calls a supervisor who was a dick. The Sgt wants to know if I have an attorney general permit as you can open carry with that. I tell him it's not a permit it's my LE ID. I could have argued with the guy but it wasn't worth it.
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SPC David S.
CC laws change greatly by state. What works in one state may not be within the law in another. You may need a nonresident concealed-carry in some cases due to lack of reciprocity agreements. Know the law.
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Alan K.
This is a good link, thanks for posting. I am sure it will help may folks and many things in here are not widely known....
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