Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 4
This just in......Trump uses Angel Soft toilet paper instead of Charmin Ultra Soft. Liberals accuse Trump of being insensitive to bears. Democrat's open a Special Counsel on the matter. Bears file lawsuit in Federal Court claiming discrimination.
If by uncomfortable facts, you mean mythical hemroids, okay yeah. I Don't read the Washington Post, don't need manipulated, don't care about their opinions, they're like a**holes, more smelly and everyone has one (some have two).
Funny, reports about Obama not bothering with intelligence briefings hardly raised an eyebrow. There were stories that Obama got modified written briefs. Did the Washington Post imply that Obama didn’t understand the big words in the verbal briefing? https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/obamas-hypocrisy-on-intelligence-briefings/2016/12/19/8b1fbed0-c5f4-11e6-bf4b-2c064d32a4bf_story.html

Obama’s hypocrisy on intelligence briefings
The president criticized Trump despite his own dismal record of attending briefings.
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