Posted on Dec 13, 2017
Here's What Happens If Doug Jones Wins Tonight
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
Hahaha! Yeah that will happen among Trump and Right Wing hardliners. Have ya seen Trump's early morning tweets? He basically says that he knew all along that Moore would lose because the odds were stacked against him. "The odds were stacked against him"? It's Conservative Red State White Evangelical Alabama; how were the odds stacked against him? Yeah they've started the path to conspiracy.
SSG Jessica Bautista
Trump will have his base convinced that ineligible voters voted Jones into office.
SSG Jessica Bautista

Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory About Alabama Election Gets A Brutal Reality Check
Watch how quickly it all falls apart.
MAJ James Woods
SSG Jessica Bautista - That was an awesome takedown Twitter thread in the article. Thanks for the laugh.
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