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Responses: 7
CPT Jack Durish
There is only one Moore accuser (Wait! There are other accusers, aren't there? Well no. There is a girl Moore dated when he was 30 and she was 16. Creepy? Yes. But not illegal and she isn't really complaining. He only kissed her.) The one actual accuser is losing credibility faster than a politician. Her brother was sentenced to prison by Moore (ya think that might color her actions?) Now we learn that she "doctored" the "incriminating" inscription in her yearbook (the one that Gloria Alred won't turn over for analysis).
CW5 Edward "Tate" Jones Jr.
CW5 Edward "Tate" Jones Jr.
7 y
Allred is the Hollywood equivalent of an "ambulance chaser." She is NOT to be TRUSTED. I believe she will do anything, say anything to make her headlines. I can't count the number of times she's spread herself all over the media with some bogus charge only to disappear from the light once her stories are discredited.
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MAJ James Woods
She claims she added the date to the inscription, not forge signature or any other part of the inscription. So give the damn book to experts and let them determine if the signature is dated and matches other signatures from old documents he's signed.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
7 y
To those that keep pushing the forgery narrative, take a chill pill as I say “suck it Fix News” for intentionality pushing an exaggerated narrative to discredit a victim and defend an alleged sexual predator endorsed by Trump and RNC”. LMAO!
Fox News Corrects Story Claiming Roy Moore Accuser ‘Forged’ Candidate’s Signature - HuffPost
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
7 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - It does prove he knew her contrary to his statements that he didn't; thus, proving he's willing to lie. That tells us what we need to know about his character and further expectation that he will continue to lie and if the people of Alabama wants to elect a lying, hypocritical, alleged predator, racist, sexist, homophobe, with a case of Islamophobia as their government representative...then so be it. At least, they can't say they didn't know.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
7 y
So a man says "I never met this woman" and then it's discovered that he signed her yearbook and the signature verified by one expert; yet you can still say it proves nothing to include lying about knowing the woman? Don't change the context of this issue. We're not talking about him admitting to knowing her and signing her yearbook and denying ever trying to date or have sex with her. If he had actually said any of that then even I would relent and agree with you but that is not at all what his defense has been. So yeah being caught in a lie is far more important than just denying sexual relations.
By the way, how do you explain all the celebrities taking photos with thousands of fans yet we should believe a celebrity only groped 7 out of hundreds of women? Note how easy it is to spin the issue from both sides of the hypocrisy. Either give all the allegations benefit of the doubt or none of them at all.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
7 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - Yeah cause signing traffic tickets is totally equivalent to a man in his 30s not related to a someone signed their yearbook. By the way, if anyone of those drivers showed up on the given court date to challenge the ticket, you wouldn't be like "I don't know this person and that's not my signature". Does that put Moore's lie in better context for you? Good day.
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SFC Pete Kain
Edited 7 y ago
No worries, facts rarely bother them. The TDS will continue
CW5 Edward "Tate" Jones Jr.
CW5 Edward "Tate" Jones Jr.
7 y
Guilty by accusation!!!!
SFC Pete Kain
SFC Pete Kain
7 y
CW5 Edward "Tate" Jones Jr. - The American way, proof...we don't need no stinking proof. Burn the witch.
SFC Pete Kain
SFC Pete Kain
7 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - that Moore is guilty, but I don't believe he is. If it was proof why mess with it?
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