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Responses: 16
Cpl Jeff N.
The ABC interviewer should be fired for malfeasance too. There were many very natural follow up questions not asked. What parts were forged and what were "real? Why should anyone believe you now? Did you forge the signature or the wording? No follow ups at all. What a rotten journalist.

This is the slow walk back with the aid and support of the media.
SSgt Christopher Brose
SSgt Christopher Brose
7 y
I wonder how ABC's President will respond to this. He was pretty damned upset when whatzizname reported that candidate Trump told Flynn to contact the Russians, only to have to retract it when it was clarified that President-Elect Trump, not candidate Trump, gave the order to Flynn. That guy is now gone for a month and is barred from reporting on Trump again, so it appears ABC's President is taking his company's reputation seriously.
SGT Jim Arnold
SGT Jim Arnold
7 y
SSgt Christopher Brose - I don't know why he would take ABC's reputation seriously. it's in the tank along with NBC, CBS, CNN
SSgt Christopher Brose
SSgt Christopher Brose
7 y
SGT Jim Arnold - As the guy in charge of ABC, it's his job to take ABC's reputation seriously, and to repair it from damage it has previously suffered from self-infliction. Many heads of news agencies don't seem to take that aspect of their job seriously, but the ABC head suspended Brian Ross for a month and banned him from further reporting on Trump because he reported something wrong. That tells me he takes his news agency's reputation seriously. I'm hoping it portends well for the future, but we'll have to wait and see.
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LTC Orlando Illi
Damn Russians forged that signature!
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SGT Jim Arnold
SSG(P) (Join to see) that's why I said what I said on earlier post of yours. The man has been in public office for a very long time and just before an election these accusations just come to light?? no, without a doubt fraud by the democrats and their supporters
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