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Responses: 2
LTC Kevin B.
Semantics. "After the election" ≠ "After inauguration". So the journalist was sloppy. It appears as if the writer is trying to spin a potential violation of the Logan Act as somehow being appropriate, regardless of who directed it. Flynn was only the National Security Advisor for a few weeks, so I highly doubt any directive, if it occurred, came during that small window.

I agree with MSgt Steve Sweeney. Give the guy a talk show and let him spin his opinion as news, like Hannity and O'Reilly.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
7 y
You all present compelling arguments. I must say that I have to side with Cpl Neely and the MSgt. Even if something isn't illegal, there comes a certain inherent responsibility to society to act morally and uprightly. What's legal, and what's ethical aren't always the same thing. It's not always against the law to lie, but does that make it right?

I liken what Brian Ross did to yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater. You tell a lie, and people get trampled. Ross told a lie and the Stock Market took a tumble. Both ways, someone lied and people got hurt. Actions have consequences. Ross needs to own up to his lie and face the music.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
7 y
Capt Jeff S. - I don't disagree with your perspective regarding Brian Ross and his actions. My issue is more with how the writer of this article is trying to use the timing of Michael Flynn's actions (which Brian Ross got wrong) as somehow de-legitimizing the underlying fact that Michael Flynn may very well have violated the Logan Act. Either way, either before or after the election was does not change the fact that his discussions occurred before inauguration.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
7 y
LTC Kevin B. - It is not illegal for Flynn to talk to any Russian as part of the transition team as the President Elects NSA. Every incoming administration ever does so. You have roughly 60 days from election to swearing in and introductions, preliminary discussion etc are in order. He cannot change policy or direction of the current regime etc. If Flynn did it as part of the campaign it is not okay. That is the distinction and it is not small.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
7 y
Cpl Jeff N. - You do understand that my terms "potential", "potentially", and "may very well have" are all qualifiers, right?
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Capt Jeff S.
But if he's an actor pretending to be a journalist, can they fire him?
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