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Responses: 9
Maj Marty Hogan
Basing your hysterics on the NY Times is iffy at best. But hey...
SPC Andrew Griffin
SPC Andrew Griffin
7 y
What do you mean?
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SSG Orderly Room Ncoic
That's a bold statement, my question for you is why do you think that the GOP is dead?
SSgt Christopher Brose
SSgt Christopher Brose
7 y
SPC Andrew Griffin - Democrats lost any moral high ground they ever had when they circled the wagons around Bill Clinton after he sexually harassed/abused/raped several women. They thought they were going to be able to take free shots at Roy Moore until Congressional Democrats started dropping like flies.

To the rest of your post, Democrats have placed party over country in a lot of ways, obstinately refusing to protect our borders, opposition to the wall, drawing down the military whenever there's a Democrat President, killing weapons systems like plane-based laser systems and Reagan's SDI that could protect us from ballistic missiles, etc.

If by "Kingdom agenda" you mean Christianity, let me just point out that Democrats have steadfastly advanced agendas that are the opposite of Christian, such as getting all vestiges of Christianity out of every public place, supporting the murder tens of millions of unborn children, etc. The Kingdom agenda is going to thrive much more under Trump than it ever would have under Clinton 2.0.
SPC Andrew Griffin
SPC Andrew Griffin
7 y
SSgt Christopher Brose - Strong Points! Very Strong Points! Much of what you said has to wait to be seen!
SSG Orderly Room Ncoic
SSG (Join to see)
7 y
and how are they putting party above the people? By supporting Moore? Are you insinuating that the accusations are true and if so how do you know they are true? The problem is that we don't know and these accusations assume that these events happened way before any of us where born. If anything the morality is to side with the old adage "innocent until proven guilty." So, some people including myself are forced to default back to what are the candidates political positions.
SSgt Christopher Brose
SSgt Christopher Brose
7 y
SSG (Join to see) - The Democrat theme was going to be "BELIEVE THE WOMEN NO MATTER WHAT!!!" until Conyers and Frankin happened. Now they're quite a bit more reserved, and only take shots at Moore when they can draw a distinction between Moore's situation and Democrats.

Regarding Moore and the women -- If I had to bet money on it, I'd say that some of the women's stories, or parts of them, are probably true. The fact that they aren't necessarily being taken seriously isn't because Republicans don't take such things seriously, it's because these women were apparently used by a news organization known to be hostile to Republicans in general and Moore in particular; because the timing of the article is incredibly suspicious; because one of the women presented an obvious forgery as evidence of Moore's supposed lies; because ambulance chaser Gloria Allred got involved; because the son of one of the women called her a liar, along with a few other character discrepancies among the women, etc. It's unfortunate for any woman whose stories are true.

I'm pretty sure the people of Alabama don't like being called stupid or backward by people who presume to be their betters in other parts of the country. I have a suspicion that many of them are thinking to themselves, "Go ahead and laugh now, enjoy it while you can."
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LCDR Naval Aviator
Their emphatic embrace of a pedophile is quite telling about their morals and principles, but it doesn't mean they're dead. The President was accused of sexual misconduct repeatedly - and quite convincingly by his ex-wife and women with whom he had business interactions - as well as openly admitted to Howard Stern that he spied on nude underage models during his ownership of a beauty pageant, and that didn't stop any Republicans from voting for him. Roy Moore will likely win, and it will be because they simply don't care; to them, a Democrat is worse than a pedophile.
SPC Andrew Griffin
SPC Andrew Griffin
7 y
Honest Statement Brother! I respect it!
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
7 y
And not a single sole has brought an actual criminal complaint against anyone. I hope the standard you are judging others by is used on you one day.
LCDR Naval Aviator
LCDR (Join to see)
7 y
Yes, I do hope that if I one day admit to using my position of authority to spy on nude teenagers that someone has the decency to call me out on it. Do you forget that he actually said it himself, bragging about it? It's on tape. You can rewatch it if you've forgotten that he spied on a bunch of naked, underage girls, and thought it was awesome.
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