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Responses: 2
LTC Laborer
I guess when one can't find a job, becoming a professional knee-taker is as good as it gets.
SSG Steven Mangus
SSG Steven Mangus
7 y
SSgt Ray Stone this is not about race, creed, color or religion. This is about an over privileged individual disrespecting the Nation. Instead of taking a knee, he should take some of his "hard earned" salary and make change. How does it affect me? It doesn't; however, the NFL is feeling it, even after he was released. Maybe you should ask them..
LTC Laborer
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
SSgt Ray Stone - Sorry SSgt Ray Stone but you are really tripping over the left field fence with your suppositions on what I do or don't agree with Trump on. Besides, the issue here isn't Trump nor is it race. It is a privileged athlete protesting (his right) in a manner that disrespects something I greatly respect and under which I have served. I have expressed my viewpoint that regardless of what he is protesting, his manner of protesting is inappropriate (my right). Further, it now appears that he is making a hobby of taking a knee, reinforcing my belief that it is primarily those that don't have a job that have the time to routinely participate in protests. As to Trump, I vacillate between being amused and being dismayed by some of his antics ... much as I am by Kaepernick's antics and those of his supporters.
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
7 y
SSG Steven Mangus - He uses his money and celebrity to give back, maybe you should simply Google instead of making assumptions.
SSG Steven Mangus
SSG Steven Mangus
7 y
Given back to several leftist organizations, which is all fine and dandy. Here is the deal, in case you haven't noticed the most oppressed group of people in America is the middle class family with 2.3 kids..so instead of idolozing a disrespectful bag of dicks, help those that the country is carried on their backs..
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SPC Robert Coventry
One would think he learned a lesson about protesting
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