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Responses: 9
PO2 Rev. Frederick C. Mullis, AFI, CFM
How did it backfire on the President? It was the Democrats who bragged that they never failed to attend the meetings with the POTUS and were always willing to reach across the Aisle to make things better for the Country, but when the POTUS asks for a Meeting to talk about the Budget and the Tax roll backs the top Demoncraps are AWOL. NO it did not bow up in Trumps face it blew up all over Chuck You Schumer and Nanny Pelosi like a cherry bomb in a crapper.
LTC Psychological Operations Officer
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
Did you even read what Trump tweeted about the meeting before they dropped out?
PO2 Rev. Frederick C. Mullis, AFI, CFM
PO2 Rev. Frederick C. Mullis, AFI, CFM
7 y
Yes and afterwards. and I see nothing that would defer the Demoncraps from doing the JOB that their constituents sent them to Washington to do! They are to Serve the Public NOT play politics, as we all know is a compound word made of Poly meaning many and Ticks meaning blood sucking insect. and Pelosi and Schumer are both blood suckers!
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
7 y
Yep, the republicans and democrats have failed us year after year by not wanting to play nice with each other. Neither party seems willing, able, or interested in helping solve America's problems.
PO2 Rev. Frederick C. Mullis, AFI, CFM
PO2 Rev. Frederick C. Mullis, AFI, CFM
7 y
1SG (Join to see) - AMEN!!! There is plenty of blame to go around on both sides of the Aisle
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SPC Erich Guenther
Ha-ha, if it backfired we would not be hearing about that it backfired. Obviously it bothered Schumer and Pelosi enough that they both made rebuttal and attack statements.
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Sgt Infantryman
huffpost..enough said
1px xxx
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7 y
Sgt (Join to see) Pretty much
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