Posted on Nov 23, 2017
Rep. Joe Barton warned woman he'd tell police if she shared explicit photos and messages, report...
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 4
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Rep Barton is my congressman, it's been a shame to watch his personal life crumble. 30+ years in the House is probably a bridge too far for anyone.
So many of these lately that it's nearly impossible to keep up with them all, if anyone even wanted to. You know it's bad when the media outlets formulate matrices of the offenders and the offenses. I don't even try to stay current because there are far more important issues, and far too many allegations. I'm not saying I don't care that the victims have experienced it, just that it's not in my control to change and does not impact on my life yet. So far, nobody I have voted for has been implicated. If someone is I'll afford them the presumption of innocence we are all entitled to, but try to be well-informed before casting a ballot for them again. It is more troubling to see it in those sworn to public service than the entertainers or sports figures. We already know that Hollywood is full of questionable behavior, although that doesn't justify it. It is simply a lower bar than that for public servants. They are only bound by a code of ethics that is whatever the public will tolerate, rather than an Oath of Office and the ethics required of their office.
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