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Responses: 6
CWO3 Us Marine
Since his misconduct came before he was elected the Senate should not decide his future. They can investigate his ethics and censure, but since the citizens elected him it should be their call. Have a vote of confidence and if he passes he stays. The same should apply to any others in the same predicament. They are leaving it up to the voters to decide on Roy Moore, so this should be no different. If all of these people's history is going to be drug up, there are going to be a lot more of these. If you dig deep enough you can probably find something on almost anyone.
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MSG Jay Jackson
Now imagine if Ole Roy wins and the senate decides not to seat him. Will they kick Franken out? I would say yes. Both have failed to meet the standard of behavior to serve in n the position of senator.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
No "investigating" needs to be done, he has admitted guilt so he needs to be removed from office. If he said he didn't do anything I would say give him his day in court, just like I currently say for Moore. Let's not make the same mistakes (make excuses) for something criminal that was committed like we did in the past with Former President Clinton. Do we need sex offenders serving in Congress? The answer: No.
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