Responses: 4
Investigations and misconduct in general used to be the exception rather than the rule. In this politically-divisive climate it has almost become the rule anymore. I doubt if many Members of Congress could stand up to an audit of their finances and it says a lot about our society in general. In lieu of legislation to fix our problems it now seems routine to just investigate one another. It makes for an alibi for nothing getting done, and shifts attention from questionable things that are. They can only kick the can down the road for so long, and will eventually have to get back to the business at hand. For now it gives the media plenty of material, and a smokescreen for those in office. Any that are caught need to be made an example of in a manner that will act as a deterrent in the future. I am doubtful if that will happen.
LTC (Join to see)
CWO3 William McIntosh- I agree that it is political theater meant to distract the People. The real crime is the tanking of our debt while Politicians leave office with millions in their private accounts. Maybe one day we will see an Orange Revolution in Washington.
CWO3 (Join to see)
LTC (Join to see) - Agreed. Anybody that truly believes they forfeit the huge salaries in the private sector for approx. $170 k a year is fooling themselves. There are exceptions of people that come to Congress with great personal wealth, but for the most part it's all about feathering their nest while they can. They have it structured for the dark money to fly under the radar. If they were to be audited it would be uncovered, but as long as they vote the party line it is off-limits to go after each other.
LTC (Join to see)
CWO3 (Join to see) - I'd like to see a law passed that tracked each candidates financial disclosures as well. Sen. Reid is a great test case. He came into office with a low net worth but retires in the millions of dollars. There is a word for that if you gain off of contracts and relationships with vendors. It ought to apply to politicians as well.
One is a long-running scandal and trial, the other was just brought to light the other day. One is corruption, the other is a sexual scandal involving minors. Maybe it could be comparable if these crimes were similar and the stories broke on the same day, but there's too many variables to blame it on whatever it is we're blaming it on.
LTC (Join to see)
SSG Jessica Bautista- Senator Menendez also has allegations against him of sexual abuse.
LTC (Join to see)

Sen. Robert Menendez may have hired underage hookers: feds
Federal prosecutors said Monday that U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez might have cavorted with underage hookers after all.
LTC (Join to see)
MSgt Steve Sweeney - It appears the US Justice Department has the girls as witnesses:
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