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Responses: 6
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Suspended Profile
Hope everyone realizes that this really changes nothing, people have been joining with Mental Illness, Drug Abuse, and Self-Mutilation the last 8 years during the ban by getting that good advise from their recruiter and lying their ass off a MEPS. Believe what you want to believe, and live the dream.
SFC Platoon Sergeant
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>1 y
As a current Drill Sergeant I second this whole-heartedly. Our Chain of Command thinks we can fix everyone to maintain there numbers. Hold the standard? Ha! The standard is a less than 4% attrition rate. By any means necessary.
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>1 y
SFC (Join to see) My question for you, is how hard do you have to work to chapter someone out of the military in a basic training unit? I have a Soldier that is well past 12 months on ABCP(First enrolled Dec15). He has been extended for every reason under the book, and is currently sitting at 68lbs overweight and 8%.
SFC Platoon Sergeant
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SFC Jordan Gaudard Unless it’s medical or a founded SHARP complaint (and even these aren’t 100%), they are not getting chaptered. We will hold them until we can find a way to make them graduate and ship them off to AIT. It is shameful.
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SFC (Join to see) I've watched more IET Soldiers get medically retired out of DLI than I've seen careerist that had to re-class because they were so broken. I feel like AIT Platoon Sergeant is an excellent place for senior leaders because they get to see all of the Chapter processes in work, and also know the process for medical retirement. If I ever make 1SG, I'm going to be a monster when it comes to knowledge.
COL Strategic Plans Chief
Posted about this earlier and asked some questions about retention...how the environment changes and whether we should hold the line on standards.
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CW5 Edward "Tate" Jones Jr.
Edited >1 y ago
See attached. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Hopefully we will not repeat "McNamara's 100,000."
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