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Responses: 4
LTC Psychological Operations Officer
So Trump must believe that his own CIA chief and NSA chief are lying and Putin is telling the truth. I wonder if Trump also believes Putin when he says that there were no Russian special forces troops involved in the takeover of the Crimea, that it was just a bunch of guys who bought Russian uniforms at the surplus store. And that he didn't send any Russian military into the eastern Ukraine, and those hundreds of dead Russian soldiers found on the battlefield were simply Russian soldiers who decided to go help the rebels fight while they were on leave. And all those Russian antiaircraft systems were just bought on the open market. Yes, Putin actually said all those things.

Is Trump really such an idiot that he believes that if Putin had meddled in our election that he would just admit it to him when asked? "Well, I asked him and he said no, so I believe him". What an ignoramus. Did he expect Putin to say " well, ya got me there Donald. My bad"?
MSG David Chappell
MSG David Chappell
7 y
Do you know what the real problem here is, it’s not the president its officers like you have forgotten their oath. Remember when you were commissioned and you did that support and defend the Constitution, obey the orders of the officers appointed over me, and the president of the United States?

It is OK to criticize if you do it in a professional way your comments are far from professional congratulations you’re officially an oath breaker
MSG David Chappell
MSG David Chappell
7 y
You are correct I stand wrong for officers. Here is what I was trying to refer to:Contempt towards officials is addressed in the Punitive articles, specifically Article 88 of the U.S. Uniform Code of Military Justice in the Manual for Courts-Martial (MCM), United States (2008 Edition) as follows:

“ Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
MSG David Chappell
MSG David Chappell
7 y
In case you’re wondering if you were a commissioned officer even retired and are receiving pay you are still subject to the UCMJ.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
6 y
Comming from the Party that tells us we should have been skeptical of our Intelligence Agency claims on WMD prior to the second invasion of Iraq. Now it's "We either believe what our intelligence agencies say or we are traitors to the country". But then if that last comment was true, what does it say of the majority of the Democratic Party in 2003? Got to admit the constant flip flopping on issues by Democrats over time can be interpreted as a comedy of sorts.
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LTC Stephen F.
Well to be honest, I expect that the Russian government did not deliberately engage in meddling in the 2016 or any other US election LTC (Join to see).
I would not be surprised if some elements - especially hackers - did try to meddle.
FYI LTC Orlando Illi MSgt Robert C Aldi Capt Jeff S. CPT Jack Durish SFC Stephen King LTC Stephen C. LTC Ivan Raiklin, Esq. SGT Gregory Lawritson Cpl Craig Marton Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. Capt Seid Waddell MSgt Danny Hope LTC (Join to see) COL Mikel J. Burroughs Maj Marty Hogan Capt Christopher Mueller
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
The meddling was done buy the Russian government employees and agents, just at the contained meddling in Western Europe continues to be done.
SFC Counterintelligence (CI) Agent
SFC (Join to see)
7 y
LTC Stephen F. What makes you believe as such?

I personally don't know either way, and can honestly say my benefit of the doubt will always sway toward American services, until convinced with evidence otherwise. But I'm always interested in understanding others decision criteria.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
7 y
SFC (Join to see) -
1. Since the end of the Cold War the superpowers Russia and USA have worked together in many common interests and clashed on border issues such as Georgia, Ukraine, Baltic State policy, strategic missile defense in eastern Europe [Poland, Bulgaria, etc.]
2. On old friend of mine and USMA classmate has spent about 890 days on the Soyuz international space station since the 1990s. Each time he traveled to Russia to be launched up to the Space Station and returned. He is now a retired US Army LTC.
3. Old friends of mine now command CENTCOM, SOCOM and USFK and especially CENTCOM and SOCOM have dealings with Russian conventional unconventional forces at times where our interests coincide such as against radical Islam. Those interactions are not covered in the news as a general rule.
4. The POTUS [like each President before him] has knowledge we will never ever have a need to know in our lifetimes. Much of what is discussed between leaders is so highly classified ...
5. Intel assessments are generally too highly classified to be made public. I always chuckle when I read statements such as "intelligence agencies connected the hacking to the Russian government." That ostensible intel report summary was released by the previous administration after the election was potentially being lost.
6. Hackers exist in this nation and Russia and others. Hackers by nature are secretive and they seem to be very interested in hacking what should be hack-proof. Certainly "red teams" attempt to hack for various government agencies.
FYI COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen C. Maj William W. 'Bill' Price Capt Christopher Mueller Capt Seid Waddell Capt Tom Brown Maj Marty Hogan CPT Jack Durish
LTC Orlando Illi MSgt Robert C Aldi Capt Jeff S. SFC Stephen King LTC Ivan Raiklin, Esq. SGT Gregory Lawritson Cpl Craig Marton Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. MSgt Danny Hope LTC (Join to see)
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
7 y
SGT Gregory Lawritson - It wouldn't matter if they had documented evidence, signatures, photos, or tape recordings, you would find a way to discount it. Trump supporters don't believe it because they do not WANT to believe it, and there is no amount of evidence that will change their mind. It is not a sickness, it is just how cognitive bias works. Until there is some incentive to believe it, opposition will remain. (I bet you would have no problem believing it if it was about Obama or Hillary, and your standard of evidence would be dramatically lower - e.g. UraniumOne)
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MSG David Chappell
Anyone who believes the FBI DOJ and news agencies is simply fooling themselves. There is so much corruption and concealmyof criminal activity I don’t trust those agencies either
MSG David Chappell
MSG David Chappell
7 y
HUMINT TS SCI, security manager Brigade , FSO. I know more about clearances than apparently you do. There was a backlog for the investigation part of more than 5 years. For this reason we granted interim Clearences. Within months of final investigations we were yanking clearances, processing separations and counseling.

So yes I understand clearances
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
7 y
"Anyone who believes the FBI DOJ and news agencies is simply fooling themselves." - Then who do we believe? The current POTUS?
MSG David Chappell
MSG David Chappell
7 y
You need to ask yourself a few questions, Trump has been accused of quite a few things. Investigations have come up with absolutely zero against him, however much information is being deemed in the investigation against democratic party members.

Do you trust Trump that’s not the question the question is when you’re faced with an individual who violated six of the 13 security adjudications for clearances, specifically Clinton, has an memo from the FBI that says it was grossly negligent yet no charges were filed. How can you still trust the FBI or the department of justice?

The Democratic Party has even come out and stated that there were pay to play initiatives, rigged elections, an actual movement to discredit Bernie, as well as millions of dollars paid to the Clinton foundation from Russia and almost $1 million paid to Bill Clinton for a speaking engagement? If none of this has your batting an eye or questioning why the FBI or the DOJ is not putting a special counsel together the question is what does concern you?
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
7 y
MSG David Chappell - Investigations are still ongoing.
Security violations? You mean like "forgetting" to disclose numerous foreign contacts, and then amending the SF86 form after the fact? Those sorts of security violations? How about appointing a foreign agent as National Security Advisor?
Oh wait, you were talking about Hillary, because that is the standard "go to" defense... point at Hillary, talk about Hillary, quibble about Hillary... whatever you have to do to shift the conversation to Hillary. Common tactic.

So wait a second... You don't believe the FBI and DOJ, but you believe the Democratic Party? So why ISN'T the DOJ "putting a special counsel together"? Terrific question. Who is in charge of the DOJ? Republicans control the House, Senate, Oval Office, and got their Supreme Court pick through nefarious means, so why AREN'T they putting a special counsel together if they actually believed the BS they are feeding you?? Maybe because they know it would be a colossal waste of time and only serve to vindicate the ones they want to smear in the press. For that matter, if Trump is so concerned about a Russian mining company doing business in the United States (UraniumOne), why isn't he implementing recently passed sanctions to get them out of the country? WHat action has he taken?
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