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Responses: 4
LTC Associate Director
I was there when Reagan visited. It was a big deal. The ROK President had not been there since the war when he was a Division Commander, Whitehorse I think. Lost a great deal of face so later decided to brave it as far North as Camp Casey. While he was on post, they nailed the doors shut to the buildings around the parade field. This was right around the time of the bombings in Burma so you cannot really read anything into it. For the Reagan visit, preparations were immense. He didn't just go to the DMZ, he went out onto Collier, in the DMZ, and met with the soldiers. Oh it was staged, the poor kids were kind of bewildered at what all went on. Heck there were Generals sitting their post while they pulled a photo op with the President. So when all the jokes were done though, the president was walking up the steps from the bunker to meet the duty platoon and at the top he fell backwards. MG Henry Doctor caught him and helped him get upright. He looked back at the CG and said "Colonel, they are all so young." The General looked him straight in the eye and said "don't ever forget it sir." I did not witness that, but I was the Division Tactical Surveillance Officer and I was on alert and all the Radar Sites manned by US forces, the Combat Recon Patrols, and the Ambush Patrols were my responsibility. Many soldiers I worked directly with, worked for, or who worked for me were there and told the same story. I believe them. I'm kind of saddened by the jokes on this.
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LTC Multifunctional Logistician
Funny joke coming from a guy on the front lines of Freedom's Frontier.
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SSG Edward Tilton
His Bone Spurs were acting up
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