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Responses: 5
SFC Pete Kain
Follow the treads and prosecute. I don't care which party
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CMSgt Security Forces
Edited 7 y ago
Not a fan of TYT, but kudos to them reporting on the facts. This certainly impacted Bernie and perhaps Biden decided not to run because he knew Hillary owned the DNC.

Establishment Democrats have lost credibility and the party is drifting further to the left with Keith Ellison as DNC Chair. Going all in with progressives could have a significant negative impact when the mid-terms roll around. It seems their only hope at this point is for Trump to stumble and that's always a possibility.

Often, these types of video's are a waste of time, this one was spot on. Thx Maj. Woods for the update.
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Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
I agree with your comment about all being corrupt. Our political system is so full of corruption it is almost like a cancer, has no boundaries and effects everyone. Clintons are dirty, Bush's are dirty, Obama was dirty, you can't swing a dead cat in congress without it coming back covered in mud and dirt. I just wish partisanism would go away and we could get back to doing the business that everyday folk need and want done. I also agree that ALL people need to be held accountable for their actions. Nobody in Washington is completely clean. IMHO,
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