Posted on Nov 2, 2017
Trump Court Pick Rated 'Not Qualified' Sits Through Humiliating Senate Hearing
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
If you read the entire article and the ABA Board Review findings it essentially boils down to the fact that he is “.... unable to separate his role as an advocate from that of a judge,” given his record on such issues as abortion. Among other things, he defended Nebraska’s ban on partial-birth abortion."
He is a vocal opponent of abortion, therefore he could not possibly be "open" and impartial as a judge. Thus by the ABA reasoning he is unqualified to be a judge. I wonder if the ABA has the same standard for lawyers and judges who are vocally and openly supportive of abortion?
It all boils down to his personal politics.
He is a vocal opponent of abortion, therefore he could not possibly be "open" and impartial as a judge. Thus by the ABA reasoning he is unqualified to be a judge. I wonder if the ABA has the same standard for lawyers and judges who are vocally and openly supportive of abortion?
It all boils down to his personal politics.
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
Imagine working for a superior who's only main focus is putting on his star while screwing the rest of the troops in his command....
Col Jim Harmon
I would stop reviewing a judge by his or her political leanings and instead base it 100% on the performance of their duties as a lawyer/judge. Did the judge perform his duties well? Did the judge violate any legal, moral, or ethical constraints of the office he held? Has the judge ever demonstrated through a ruling that their personal political beliefs have influenced or biased a judicial ruling? Is there any case evidence to that effect cited by a higher court that overturned a ruling? Anything past that is partisan speculation, and is used by both sides to destroy good nominees for political end.
If we are going to use this standard, then we would also have to rate Judge Ginsberg as not qualified and remove her from the Supreme Court for her political comments during the last election.
Once you start down this road it becomes very dangerous for all concerned, and when the precedence has been set, the sword will cut both ways for many years to come.
And yes I am OK with a judge having the personal belief that does not support abortion or the second amendment. As long as the judge remains within their judicial constraints and does not let their personal belief influence their judicial responsibility. In other words, no legislating from the bench (in either direction).
If we are going to use this standard, then we would also have to rate Judge Ginsberg as not qualified and remove her from the Supreme Court for her political comments during the last election.
Once you start down this road it becomes very dangerous for all concerned, and when the precedence has been set, the sword will cut both ways for many years to come.
And yes I am OK with a judge having the personal belief that does not support abortion or the second amendment. As long as the judge remains within their judicial constraints and does not let their personal belief influence their judicial responsibility. In other words, no legislating from the bench (in either direction).
Justice Ginsberg is constantly praised for her advocacy work for women's rights both as a lawyer with the ACLU and as a judge. guess it matters to congress what you advocate for.
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
If Women's right and ACLU which advocate for equality is wrong. I feel sorry for the man who wants to keep the woman in the kitchen. As a father of a daughter, I want her to know that she's as capable as her brothers, that she can do anything her brothers can do.
MSG Don H.
Cpl Tou Lee Yang - Tony the problem arrives when a judge that rules on constitutional law and is an advocate for women's right issues. A lot of people that support abortion claim its about a woman's right even though a lot of women are against the practice. The women's right march last year refused to allow woman to march who were anti-abortion. People cite Roe V Wade as proof that Abortion is protected in the constitution,
I have a daughter and enforce that she can do anything she wants. I have pictures of famous women in her room as example including race car drivers, astronauts, and CPT Shaye Haver, an Army attack helicopter pilot, west point grad and one of the first two women to complete the Army Ranger school. I would love to have enter the Family business; we've been Army for generations; Wife retired with 26 years, son was medically retired after lost his leg to and IED and I am at 28 years with three deployments and look at a fourth next year.
I have a daughter and enforce that she can do anything she wants. I have pictures of famous women in her room as example including race car drivers, astronauts, and CPT Shaye Haver, an Army attack helicopter pilot, west point grad and one of the first two women to complete the Army Ranger school. I would love to have enter the Family business; we've been Army for generations; Wife retired with 26 years, son was medically retired after lost his leg to and IED and I am at 28 years with three deployments and look at a fourth next year.
MSG Don H.
Cpl Tou Lee Yang - BTW Tony, the ACLU although sometimes noble in defending the constitution are also the same douchebag that sue to have cross removed from veteran memorials on public land. They have also the free speech of the Klan and Neo-Nazis.
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