Posted on Nov 2, 2017
Trump's 'DEATH PENALTY!' tweet could backfire in court - Reuters TV
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 16
President Trump is the chief law enforcement officer of the nation and has to learn to keep silent about active cases. There are things he may say, and should say, but against the crime and not the criminal until judgment is rendered. Then all bets are off...
Cpl Jeff N.
I agree he is the chief law ENFORCEMENT office in the land but we have separate and equal judiciary and legislative branches of government. The judiciary does not have to pay a single nanosecond of attention to him in regard to a trial or the sentence of anyone in the process. He holds no sway over that portion of the process. The impact he might have over a military tribunal or court is more tangible and real. He has no real sway over the judicial branch of government.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
Capt Jeff S. - They they would have many more unaswered questiona and he would be a heroic martyr to the crazies, Having answer questions and then slowly rot in a cell suits our purposes better.
He needs to transition into the role of POTUS. Too bad someone cannot put his twitter account off limits until he is out of office.
LTC (Join to see)
Capt Dwayne Conyers - I had heard that NSA developed a special TS cleared Blackberry got him.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
Capt Dwayne Conyers LTC (Join to see) I am glad that Mr. Obama needed the suped up security BlackBerry. Black Berry incorporated some of that into the Key One I have now.
Capt Dwayne Conyers
Well, LTC (Join to see),PO3 Steven Sherrill... he took one look at it and reportedly never touched it.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
He's had almost 10 months to transition into the role of POTUS. If he hasn't figured it out by now he never will.
Capt Dwayne Conyers 1) Trump really needs to learn to shut the hole under his nose, and secret service would be doing him a favor if they broke his thumbs so he couldn't tweet. 2) Giving this ass clown the death penalty is like punishing a child by sending them to Disney Land. He wants to die. He wants to be a martyr. He wants his milk and honey, virgins, and paradise. Giving him the death penalty makes his terrorist wet dream come true. To punish him, keep him alive. Make a big show of how he wasn't a smart enough terrorist to take a gun to a gun fight opting instead for air soft and paintball. Let the A list terrorists know that the short bus terrorist is in town.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
Capt Dwayne Conyers - It is not about our beliefs, it is about the message to the living. Executing a terrorist means that groups like ISIS, and (what's left of) Al Queda can use him as a recruiting propaganda piece. Keeping him alive, makes him just a failure at getting the job done. They can't use that. Showing them that if they are caught they will be treated humanely doesn't go with their narrative. My solution takes their narrative, and uses it against them.
He hitched his wagon to a dead horse, and now is wondering why he is sitting in a wheel chair in a court room. His ISIS guidance councilor never prepared him for this.
He hitched his wagon to a dead horse, and now is wondering why he is sitting in a wheel chair in a court room. His ISIS guidance councilor never prepared him for this.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
Capt Dwayne Conyers - He will realize it but to others it will make him inspirational, and other than what cell he rots in he is irrelevant at this point
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