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Responses: 10
LTC Orlando Illi
The Moonbeam state...
SP5 Jerry Mucha
SP5 Jerry Mucha
7 y
Yeah good old moonbeam, against anything FOR the people. He hasn't changed since the 60s and Linda. How can the CA voters keep electing these incompetents? Oh I forgot, all the schools in CA are run and have been run be dems and the unions for 50 years, the population is thoroughly brainwashed.
Capt Dwayne Conyers
Capt Dwayne Conyers
7 y
Maybe I will run for Governor... build up the defense industry in CA.
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CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
Anyone surprised?.... :::crickets::::

Cali is in my opinion the worst state in the Union. I have nothing good to say about the state, and frankly watch disaster movies just to see it get destroyed. I have had to many dealing in my life with its liberal idiocy, and my Home State ID has had to many of Cali's morons invade and then demand ID change its laws to that of Cali. Every where those idiots go they demand everyone change their laws to Cali laws.. if it is so great in Cali why did they leave?
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
7 y
Imagine the plight of Texas that had a horde of Calis move in when Toyota moved their whole US operation there.
LTC Owner
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
CPT Jack Durish - no kidding, Austin has seen a huge influx of these folks who are fighting tooth and nail for more liberal BS.
CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
CPO (Join to see)
7 y
In ID they demanded all kinds of nonsense like, No field burning for the farmers, followed by no Field plowing, no smoking in public, all water reservoirs be un-dammed, In rural areas all town and house lights be off by 9 pm (so they could see the stars) followed by a demand to exterminate all wildlife as it tried to eat their dog. Just a few of them from when I lived there. Look how screwed up their own state is. Its like watching space balls and the seen where they comment on how 10 thousand years of air will be mismanaged in 10. That's Cali they could mismanage a blow job... (sorry to be crude but still)
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SFC William H.
Reminds me of the exemption on ObamaCare for the Senate! They really think they are better than us, don't they? California and DC.
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