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Responses: 3
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
I get your frustration!
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SPC George Rudenko
This is what happens when people think they can do something because they watch a video or read a book
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PO2 Jonathan Scharff
Well, something people don’t understand about those that spend their lives on the sea, is no one messes around when there is a distress call of any kind. The USCG, commercial sailers as well as civilians all drop what they are doing and all sail to the area. I have seen this time and time again. We all understand how dangerous the sea can be. Having actually responded to an EPIRB I can assure you everyone was going. You can even see the response from the commercial ferry captains back in 2009 when flight 1549 landed on the Hudson. Everyone available went. There was no one continuing on their way like we often see in dashboard cams with auto accidents. Not criticizing anyone, just pointing out that if they had deployed the EPIRB they would have been rescued promptly.
Sgt Wayne Wood
Sgt Wayne Wood
7 y
PO2 Jonathan Scharff yeah, the ones backcounty hikers & backpackers work the same way... that why i carry one when i go out.

Punch the panic button & all first responders in the area show up.

That why we don’t screw around with it.

Couple of years back a kid on the AT sprained his ankle & punched the button. Wound up sending in an equestrian search & rescue to take him out. Now,seriously, a sprained ankle? Suck it up & walk out.

I hope they billed him.
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