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Responses: 3
SSgt Christopher Brose
The house of cards is tumbling down, and people with any sense and the ability to do so are going to get the hell out of the way while they can.
SFC William H.
SFC William H.
7 y
I hope the countries they flee to have extradition!
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
What "crime" is bringing down the house?
CMSgt Security Forces
CMSgt (Join to see)
7 y
SSgt Christopher Brose
SSgt Christopher Brose
7 y
Until now, Fusion GPS has been uncooperative in any investigation involving them. It's actually not a bad policy for a company that provides opposition research. But I think they've got the sense that this investigation is going to be a whole lot bigger than them, and they've got the choice of remaining uncooperative and possibly getting smushed like a bug by the investigation as it rolls on toward its objective, or sidestepping the path of the investigation by cooperating and remaining relatively unscathed.

People (Democrats) are already trying to avoid getting rolled by this investigation by claiming ignorance (some more plausibly than others), and it's just getting started.
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1SG First Sergeant
That article leaves out a key point and few key distinctions. First, they don't mention that the DNC hired an American lawyer who hired an American firm that hired a British agent to conduct reasearch... that he'd already been doing for a GOP operative. Then, there's a few distinctions. Primarily, the DNC, or no one that was subcontracted through them, represented a foreign government, let alone an enemy one. Also, researching your opponent is standard practice... hence Republicans already going down this exact rabbit hole.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
Don't rain on the trumpian parade with facts, facts provide them no comfort

Let them imagine imaginary crimes utli reality sinks in on its own

They are demanding people go to jail for imaginary crimes, so their final meltdown will not be far off.
CMSgt Security Forces
CMSgt (Join to see)
7 y
Steel was not brought on until after the DNC picked up the tab but whatever.
1SG First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
7 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - I never said the research didn't stop before the DNC began funding it. In fact, I used past tense. Not sure where you are going there. You state they have a long history of disinformation; please support this. Also, you allege Clinton's people "colluded" with the Ukrainian government; source please?
1SG First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
7 y
I mean a person or organization focused on progressing the agenda of the Republican Party. The Washington Beacon fits that definition, much as MSNBC would be a Democratic operative. It's someone who "operates" for that party. Think of it a step above biased, but below directly works for. Maybe actively aligned?

I skimmed the Politico article. If what they report is true, I would consider it unsettling. That said, their source is unclear, and as a 35F by trade, I need multiple sources. Also, the article *you* are citing claims "But they were far less concerted or centrally directed than Russia’s alleged hacking and dissemination of Democratic emails."

I apologize for a quick skim and a brief answer- getting dinner ready and preparing for the Lions game. I hope to gt back to this tomorrow.
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1stSgt Nelson Kerr
It is funny whatching republicans despairingly searching for a crime in what is standard and legal political practice. I hope the keep dining so it distracts them form doing real harm.
1SG First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
7 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - The DNC paid an American lawyer who hired an American firm who used a British agent. That's not collusion by the DNC. At most, it's a failure to vet subcontractors. It's also worth noting, the Brit didn't represent the government of an enemy state, or any state for that matter.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - what is to spin? No w laws were broken at any point by either the Republicans that started it or the Democrats that finished it. I have yet to hear anyone explain what laws were broken.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
If they did not lie under oath or to the FBI there is n ok thing to investigate. The rest of the BS you want to investigate is both legal and common practice. What is the crime they are supposedly investigating? Allegation of the russian connection is just smoke and mirrors since nobody has presented any evidence.
What crime are they investigating on what basis?
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - Two thing neither was SWORN at the time neither was talking to law enforcement and so far there is ZERO evidence that they knew about the dossier.
That was an accurate article from find law, they are a great source, but not very relevant.
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