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Responses: 8
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
Congratulations on your recent revival and recovery from the coma you were in for the past 8 years.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
7 y
LTC (Join to see) - Or, we recognize the mistakes of previous administrations but don't use them as an excuse to continue further mistakes. This is a thing people learn in grade school - that YOU are responsible for your actions - and THEY are responsible for their actions. You can't use their actions to justify your actions. It doesn't work in the adult world - unless it's in the White House apparently.

I hated it when the previous administrations trampled the Constitution - and I've said it a thousand times over.

LTC Martin, do YOU think the Constitution is sacred? And to be taken at it's word? Because it doesn't sound like you do. You sound like every other person you are denigrating with your argument. "They did it first!" Wah wah wah.

To address your specific points:
1. Of course conservatives should be allowed to speak at college campuses. Just like anyone else. I challenge you to find anywhere I've said otherwise.
2. I support the Second Amendment. I think it should be clarified through a Constitutional Convention - but I support it. In fact, I think I support it MORE than most do. I don't want to ban firearms. I don't want to ban machine guns. I don't want to ban any of them. I'd like to see some training and responsibility go along with their ownership and use though.
3. I don't know how that last point reflects a statement regarding the Constitution. Is there some amendment I missed about requiring people to stand for the anthem? Or the flag? Or in recognizing some artificial national culture? Where is the language amendment? I must have missed that one too.
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
MAJ Bryan Zeski - SIGO, The Constitution is the Law of the Land, period. Regardless of which Party is in power the Constitution is to be followed in spirit and law. If you expressed any opposition to the previous administration I must have missed it. But somehow I see your hawkish reflexes at the current administration. I have never used the argument about precedents justifying current actions. There are standards and when standards are not enforced you have created a new standard called the sub-standard. You probably call that sun spots or solar flares.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
7 y
LTC (Join to see) - That is exactly my point. The Constitution IS the law of the land, regardless of which party is in power - which is why its so frustrating to see people, like yourself, in this thread, defend the current administrations errors by citing the errors of previous administrations. President Trump is responsible for all of his administrations problems, mistakes, unconstitutional actions, etc - even if Obama did the exact same thing (and was wrong then), then President Trump is STILL WRONG to do it now. I'm just not sure why that's such a hard concept to grasp and admit for some people. Yes, Obama did bad things - lots of them, I could name many of them - but that doesn't make the current Administration gets a free pass!

And yes, of course I'll speak out against the current administration more than I currently speak out against a previous one - why? Because its the current administration that has the power to do the right thing now. No one else. Just them. Bush II can't go fix his problems. Obama can't fix his problems. Clinton can't fix his problems. We could write papers on the problems with those administrations - heck, probably write Doctoral Theses on them - but that would be nothing to influence anyone about the current administration - and THAT is why I'll spend my time and energy addressing the CURRENT administration problems instead of previous ones.

You spent a whole paragraph up there talking about the previous administration issues - in a topic that had ZERO to do with the previous administration. The only reason to bring up a previous administration was to play the "precedent justifying current actions" argument. That's it. If there was another reason to bring up the Obama administration problems in a topic about the current administrations oversteps, hey, I'm all ears - lay it out for me.

And to get back to the topic - do you think that the current administrations approach to the Congressional Bill on Russian sanctions has been timely and in line with what Congress expected of the Executive? And again, SHOULD the executive act on the will of Congress (and thereby, the people they represent), or should the executive act on its own devices? If you mention previous administrations in answering the question - you're justifying current bad actions with the precedent of previous administrations.
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
MAJ Bryan Zeski - I do not know about a bill HR or Senate about Russian sanctions. I thought the previous admin and Congress passed a resolution and had some Diplomats expelled on both sides. But I am not tracking all the details. // I don't understand the second question. The President ran and won. He has a set agenda that People voted for: Secure the border, reduce taxes, eliminate ObamaCare.
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MSgt Danny Hope
Because congress always meets their deadlines?
SSG Squad Leader
SSG (Join to see)
7 y
CPT T F - getting a budget before sequestration.
SSG Squad Leader
SSG (Join to see)
7 y
CPT T F - No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.
SSG Squad Leader
SSG (Join to see)
7 y
CPT T F - yes it is a limitation of money that is to come out of the Treasury. Appropriations must be maid by law and they are to regularly publish to the people accounting for all of the money that they spend. They don't even know where all of that money is going and the appropriation made by law is known as a budget that they have not passed in many years. sequestration was a self imposed time line to pass a budget, sequestration was seen as so bad that they had to do something before sequestration went into effect and they failed at that.
MSgt Danny Hope
MSgt Danny Hope
7 y
CPT T F - Sarcasm
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
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