Posted on Oct 23, 2017
Army 2LT Leads Platoon 5KM Without Getting Lost, Awarded Medal
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
"With only a compass and a map to guide him." Triangulation is so overrated. Kudos to the young Lt, but an ARCOM? I can see the award presentation now: "For successfully leading your platoon over a grueling and complex 5k land nav course, not getting lost, successfully differentiating the difference between contour lines, roads, and rivers, you are hereby awarded..." I'm sure the platoon got a participation trophy.
LTC (Join to see)
Just like the Progressive(Liberal?) Lobby in Canada where instructors who fail students are fired. Students can't get an 'F' now, they get an "incomplete" if they don't do their homework or they don't graduate.
Just like in some schools of learning where everybody gets a trophy not just the first second and third place people because you don't want to hurt their feelings LOL.
I've heard this happen in the US as well as Canada and even though this is a duffel blog spoof ,you do have some weirdos who think that everybody deserves a trophy not just the ones who actually do a good job.
Just like in some schools of learning where everybody gets a trophy not just the first second and third place people because you don't want to hurt their feelings LOL.
I've heard this happen in the US as well as Canada and even though this is a duffel blog spoof ,you do have some weirdos who think that everybody deserves a trophy not just the ones who actually do a good job.
CW5 Ranger Dave
You hit a nerve cupcake. The USAF awarded 6 fuel truck drivers Bronze Stars at Masirah Island and beach resort. Additionally, during the 80s EC-135 crews from Offitt AFB would fly to Honduras, spend two hours flying near the buffer zone with Nicuraga and go home to their Air Medals. Those of us doing the same RC-12G Crazyhorse missions out of Palmerola (PCS permanent assignment) in the Buffer Zone got nota. So bite me Air Force!
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