Responses: 2
My grandson is being taught manners, he knows that if your kind and friendly to people , you go farther in life.
I agree. I was raised to be say thank you, you are welcome, please, excuse me or pardon me, No Sir/Yes sir or No Ma'am and Yes Ma'am, to hold doors for ladies etc. We have always taught and told our daughter that manners are free and that she will use them. One time when we lived in Pennsylvania my daughter was in the 4th grade and we went to eat lunch with our daughter when the teacher stopped us and told us that they didn't require it. We told her they may not but we would appreciate her backing us up about respecting adults and authority and not telling our daughter she didn't have to. Another time in the same city there was traffic backed up for a while moving at a snails pace when I noticed a car attempting to come out of the parking lot and get into traffic. No one would let him in. When I got closer, I stopped and motioned for him to come out...he did and then proceeded to flip me off and yell obscenities at me. No respect at all. Yo are right, there is a serous lack of manners in society as it has turned into a me, me, me kind of world.
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