Posted on Oct 10, 2017
You're not seeing things: Soldiers at AUSA are wearing prototype ‘pinks and greens’
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 15
What's sad is the Army PEO Soldier program was already trying to revitalize the 'pinks and greens' in the early 2000s as a replacement for the Class As. Soldiers surveyed it loved the idea then a change in Sergeant Major of the Army led to that program being cancelled in favor of a Dress Blues style replacement and that is why we have the mess we have today. Like the beret, uniform changes seem to be tied to whomever is at the top of the Army leadership change and not a matter of what Soldiers want.
SGT Christopher Hayden
SSgt Donnavon Smith - They look proud to serve Emperor Palpatine in the Imperial fleet.
SSgt Donnavon Smith
anything is better than the bus driver we have now, well except for that Jackass McPeak's "I wish i was Navy" uniforms
Since I started my career in 1981 and switched services, I have gone through a ton of uniform changes. Started out with green fatigues, BDU's, DCU's, ACU's, and now OCP's. All and the stuff that goes with each uniform, different boots, t-shirts, jackets, Gortex, belts, etc. That doesn't count the dress uniforms which tend to be really expensive.
My tax lady loves all the deductions, but I am running out of space in the closet for all these uniform changes.
My tax lady loves all the deductions, but I am running out of space in the closet for all these uniform changes.
PFC (Join to see)
Even the short amount of time I have been in the military joined in 07 in the navy we had a breath taking amount of uniforms dress whites and working whites for the summer, dress blues and working blues for the winter, coveralls for aboard ship, utilities for general duty, I also got issued DCU and BDU for security forces as well as flight deck jerseys not too mention the PT uniforms. Then the navy got the blue NWU and we also got the new working uniform. Now I'm in the Army got both ACU OCP uniforms pluses dress wear and PT uniforms my closet is occupied at least a 3rd by uniforms old and new.
PFC (Join to see)
SGT Jim Arnold - for the OD greens, BDU, and the khakis and green service uniforms are a keeper.
PFC (Join to see)
SGT Jim Arnold - my old Navy uniform don't fit either got fat slimmed down but got more bulkier so my old Navy uniforms don't fit LOL
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