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Responses: 4
SSG Aircraft Mechanic
Mismanagement and spending exorbitant amounts of money in all the wrong places are the problem.
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CWO3 Us Marine
Edited 7 y ago
CPI numbers come out 10/13 so we'll find out COLA soon. MOAA is looking at somewhere around 1.8 %. As long as taxes don't go up that's at least a small raise for some. Tricare fees go up in 2020. With $20 trillion in the red something has to give. Adding a couple trillion to debt due to lowering taxes is not a good start. I'm still waiting for it to trickle down from the 80's so this time will likely be no different. Increase revenue, lower costs and waste has to happen. We're running out of road to kick the can down and although they talk about it they don't act on it. Mood seems to be "as long as were solvent till I die it's not my problem". No wonder the young folks don't trust us. At this pace they will be so upside down that 1/2 of their pay to IRS won't even make a dent it. Figuratively, and not literally speaking - before you warm up your data and start splitting hairs to flame me with. Maybe this time will be different, so let's hope.
MSG Laura Washington
MSG Laura Washington
7 y
CWO3 (Join to see) I don't know how a tax cut can be justified. A flat tax would be nice, but first we would have to define income and loose some of the tax write offs. Hopefully the Trump administration won't use the Kansas model. Good luck on the trickle down theory from the 80's. If there was not so much greed, it might of had a chance. With the current disaster relief, that could increase the debt by a trillion, and that does not include current obligations.
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SFC Jim Ruether
You know what? Sometimes those tax cuts comeback in the form of jobs, benefits, and other worthwhile things. While everyone is entitled to their opinions why continue to put everything our government does in a negative light until you see what happens next? When tax cuts for corporations became a reality back in the Reagan days productivity in this country shot through the roof. Maybe this will encourage corporations to come back to America and spend some of those billions sitting in offshore accounts right now, because our last administration wanted to share their wealth with everyone else?
LTC Psychological Operations Officer
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
If the tax cuts created all that extra revenue that some propose, then why do they have to raise the cost of healthcare on military retirees? That's my point. While I have seen the tax cut mythology fail in my lifetime, that wasn't really the point of my frustration. It's that the budget plan that they created puts higher costs on retired military people while giving personal (not just corporate) tax breaks to the very wealthy. I don't see a positive light to retiree heallthcare fees going up.
MSG Laura Washington
MSG Laura Washington
7 y
SFC Jim Ruether LTC (Join to see) Hopeful this tax cut won't follow the Kansas model or we will have be in trouble. The TRICARE change is going to have an impact on all Veterans and beneficiaries. Think of the Surviving Spouses and dependents, the Service Members who already receive food stamps & WIC. Now they may have to absorb enrollment fees, premiums, higher co-pays and cost shares. What a way to treat those who have served and sacrificed.
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