Posted on Oct 3, 2017
Trump’s Generals Are Trying to Save the World. Starting With the White House.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
Politico is not very trustworthy for commenting on the military leadership of this nation of strategy of any sort PO3 Steven Sherrill.
The top line sounds like sounds like something from Pinky and the Brain.
1.retierd USMC General John Kelly has been running the Department of Homeland very well. We are starting to get serous about rounding and expelling many thugs from this nation.
2, This point is generally true: "Taken as a group, Trump’s generals have tended to see their mission as twofold: The first job is to correct what senior military officers see as the mistakes of the Obama administration, a hesitancy to use force or commit troops that many allies perceived as a retreat from traditional U.S. commitments in the world."
3. This is pure BS "The second job—and the far riskier one—is to mitigate the damage caused by their boss."
Several friends of mine command major military organizations - General Vince Brooks USFK; General Raymond Tony Thomas SOCOM and General Joe Votel CENTCOM. In addition other Generals and Lieutenant Generals currently serving are old friends of mine.
FYI COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen C. Capt Seid Waddell Capt Tom Brown SFC William Farrell SSgt Robert Marx Maj Marty Hogan PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SPC Margaret Higgins MSgt Jason McClish AN Christopher Crayne LTC Bill Koski SPC Tom DeSmet SGT Charles H. Hawes LTC Wayne Brandon SGT (Join to see) SGT Michael Thorin
The top line sounds like sounds like something from Pinky and the Brain.
1.retierd USMC General John Kelly has been running the Department of Homeland very well. We are starting to get serous about rounding and expelling many thugs from this nation.
2, This point is generally true: "Taken as a group, Trump’s generals have tended to see their mission as twofold: The first job is to correct what senior military officers see as the mistakes of the Obama administration, a hesitancy to use force or commit troops that many allies perceived as a retreat from traditional U.S. commitments in the world."
3. This is pure BS "The second job—and the far riskier one—is to mitigate the damage caused by their boss."
Several friends of mine command major military organizations - General Vince Brooks USFK; General Raymond Tony Thomas SOCOM and General Joe Votel CENTCOM. In addition other Generals and Lieutenant Generals currently serving are old friends of mine.
FYI COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen C. Capt Seid Waddell Capt Tom Brown SFC William Farrell SSgt Robert Marx Maj Marty Hogan PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SPC Margaret Higgins MSgt Jason McClish AN Christopher Crayne LTC Bill Koski SPC Tom DeSmet SGT Charles H. Hawes LTC Wayne Brandon SGT (Join to see) SGT Michael Thorin
PO3 Steven Sherrill
LTC Stephen F. I agree with you up to point number 3. President Trump is constantly shooting himself in the foot. He has no filter between his brain and mouth/keyboard. This means every cabinet member has to be on their toes. Trump is entitled to his opinions, but he has to learn that his opinions will now be analyzed, scrutinized, publicized, and dissected for their meaning to the nation as a whole. Further he is an attention hound so the more attention his outlandish and often comically unsubstantial remarks generate, the more likely he is to continue making them. The generals (and the other cabinet members as well) need to be able to assure those under them that the sky is not in fact falling.
LTC Stephen F.
PO3 Steven Sherrill - if you are limited to watching the mainstream "news" you get a distorted view of what is happening. I live in the shadow of Washington, DC where I have lived since I was first stationed here in 1989.
Based on my debriefings I try to be careful about what I talk about.
Each POTUS spends most of their time focused on issues we can not discuss on this net.
The media has done their best to treat POTUS Donald Trump the same way they treated Former POTUS Ronald Reagan. They treated President Reagan as a buffoon although he did more than any recent President to restore the greatness of this nation [after President Jimmy Carter (Camp David accords)] who was head and shoulders over former POTUS Obama.
FYI Capt Jeff S. CPT Jack Durish MSgt Robert C Aldi SFC Stephen King LTC Bill Koski LTC Stephen C. LTC Ivan Raiklin, Esq. SGT Gregory LawritsonSGT Charles H. Hawes LTC Wayne Brandon SGT (Join to see) SGT Michael Thorin SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth Cpl Craig Marton Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D.
Based on my debriefings I try to be careful about what I talk about.
Each POTUS spends most of their time focused on issues we can not discuss on this net.
The media has done their best to treat POTUS Donald Trump the same way they treated Former POTUS Ronald Reagan. They treated President Reagan as a buffoon although he did more than any recent President to restore the greatness of this nation [after President Jimmy Carter (Camp David accords)] who was head and shoulders over former POTUS Obama.
FYI Capt Jeff S. CPT Jack Durish MSgt Robert C Aldi SFC Stephen King LTC Bill Koski LTC Stephen C. LTC Ivan Raiklin, Esq. SGT Gregory LawritsonSGT Charles H. Hawes LTC Wayne Brandon SGT (Join to see) SGT Michael Thorin SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth Cpl Craig Marton Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D.
SPC Tom DeSmet
I'm afraid for the most part his comments and tweets are analyzed, publicized, scrutinized, and dissected by a generally dishonest media who would rather see this country fail than to allow anything he does or says to succeed. I will admit he shoots himself in the foot more often than any President should, but his agenda is actually just what we need at a critical time in history. I find his gaffs to be somewhat amusing, not unlike when Jesse "the body" was our governor. Again, entertaining but his agenda was pure common man/ common sense. Refreshing after being lied to incessantly by criminals who only make a move when it pays to. ($$$)
PO3 Steven Sherrill Each of these men individually have more experience in international relations than our former "community organizer in chief" AND his entire team had put together!
Cpl Bill Johnson
Actually, they don't because none of them had to lead an entire nation. A Republic must always be aware of the danger of giving to much power to generals.
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