Posted on Oct 3, 2017
Las Vegas massacre: Weapons found, but no motive
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 19
All great questions I have been asking myself and I concur...there is something not right about all of this. He is purported to be all of these things, but evidence contradicts. In addition, there is nothing about him that gives any impression that this was coming; that is not usual. This is an extreme behavior, there are always clues or something to suggest the cause of the radical change if it was not "who he was"; unless someone is purposeful in hiding them, or set up to take the fall.
Additionally, 58 KIA (I use that term because I do not believe this was random craziness) and over 500 wounded...even shooting fish in a barrel, that is a crazy amount of mayhem for one man. A man that was supposed to be only marginally familiar with weapons. Even a very good shooter, shooting at night into a scrambling crowd would be hard pressed to accomplish that alone...unless they sold him a belt fed weapon, otherwise you have to load and reload.
So unless this guy had two identities, one everyone knew and another that you needed special clearance from some government to know...or there was something else going on and he was the pasty, it's not adding up. Why buy so many guns...hmmm, maybe there was more than one shooter and only one body left to take the rap. I don't believe 9-11 was a conspiracy, and I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist although I know everything is not always as it seems, but this one sure smells rotten.
Additionally, 58 KIA (I use that term because I do not believe this was random craziness) and over 500 wounded...even shooting fish in a barrel, that is a crazy amount of mayhem for one man. A man that was supposed to be only marginally familiar with weapons. Even a very good shooter, shooting at night into a scrambling crowd would be hard pressed to accomplish that alone...unless they sold him a belt fed weapon, otherwise you have to load and reload.
So unless this guy had two identities, one everyone knew and another that you needed special clearance from some government to know...or there was something else going on and he was the pasty, it's not adding up. Why buy so many guns...hmmm, maybe there was more than one shooter and only one body left to take the rap. I don't believe 9-11 was a conspiracy, and I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist although I know everything is not always as it seems, but this one sure smells rotten.
PO3 (Join to see)
Sgt Martin Querin - I'm fully on your thought pattern. I'm just trying to put out a reasonable conversation of what is normal and what sounds normal and what is really do able. In my opinion its going to really take something really wild to change my view that yo-joe citizen can match a Marine rifle squad as you stated. It does not add up and I like you refuse the notion that 2+2=58 that pill is not going down.
Norah Julmis
Like you said, this is what was going through my mind as well. Everything is almost "too perfect" with this crime. And of course, he is dead so he can't answer any questions.
I thought some of the same things. I'm the farthest thing from a conspiracy theorist but it's interesting to consider. The one thing that we do know about him that could lead him to that hotel room, in my estimation, is the gambling. He was a high roller. Those guys don't play for pennies and they don't play with Sunday School teachers like me. Maybe he lost to the wrong people? Maybe he bet more than he could afford? It happens. But, for him to be the shooter, at some point someone would have to at least be able to say, "Yeah I saw that guy at the range a lot". And maybe they will. Something will have to be turned up on his computer. Maybe it will.
If you knew me, you'd know I'm not a car guy. At all. But with YouTube and Amazon I have managed to do a lot of fixing on my cars with NO outside help. This guy would not have to be a licensed armorer to be able to modify weapons or learn how to use them, though you'd think he'd still need practice.
He was shooting into a crowd of 22,000 people standing shoulder to shoulder. A novice with a basic understanding of automatic weapons could do what he did. An expert could have done much more.
He had components that CAN be used to make explosives, not explosives themselves. There's nothing to say he ever figured that out.
Then again..
Maybe someone else was in the room shooting and left him to face SWAT with orders to be dead at the end of it. But to what end? What did the real killer get out of it? A bunch of dead people with no notoriety? No cause to thrust to the forefront? That doesn't fit the profile of a terrorist.
Maybe he got fed up with the NFL protests. Maybe the Presiden... Oh, this is getting deep now.
But most likely, the most obvious answer is the truth. He was a man that for whatever reason went crazy and decided to take it out on innocent people. And it's a shame.
If you knew me, you'd know I'm not a car guy. At all. But with YouTube and Amazon I have managed to do a lot of fixing on my cars with NO outside help. This guy would not have to be a licensed armorer to be able to modify weapons or learn how to use them, though you'd think he'd still need practice.
He was shooting into a crowd of 22,000 people standing shoulder to shoulder. A novice with a basic understanding of automatic weapons could do what he did. An expert could have done much more.
He had components that CAN be used to make explosives, not explosives themselves. There's nothing to say he ever figured that out.
Then again..
Maybe someone else was in the room shooting and left him to face SWAT with orders to be dead at the end of it. But to what end? What did the real killer get out of it? A bunch of dead people with no notoriety? No cause to thrust to the forefront? That doesn't fit the profile of a terrorist.
Maybe he got fed up with the NFL protests. Maybe the Presiden... Oh, this is getting deep now.
But most likely, the most obvious answer is the truth. He was a man that for whatever reason went crazy and decided to take it out on innocent people. And it's a shame.
MAJ (Join to see)
PO3 (Join to see) - I think you're right on the money. It's not easy. Which makes me think the guy is actually an internet-trained novice. As you stated, a real pro would not have shot at full auto. If he had used controlled burst, or better yet, single shots, he could have done much more damage. This guy killed less than 1% of 22,000 people (I'm glad mind you) that were packed together like sardines. There is nothing professional about that. I think you may be giving him too much credit. 350-400 yards is not that far. Add in his elevation over the target, a clear line of sight, optics, and a huge target, and it just gets easier. Imagine a trained sniper in that hotel room. With a suppressor. Back away from the window to hide any muzzle flash. He might not have hit 500 people, but he could have killed more than 50. And he could have done it for longer probably.
Sgt Martin Querin
Not to mention he wasn't, at least to the best of my knowledge, in possession of a belt fed weapon. Which means at least minimal time to switch out his magazines and reload. I was on a firing line at a live fire exercise when a stupid jack rabbit ran out onto the range at about 50 yards. A full rifle company of M-16's and 6 M-60's on the line. He ran about 100 yards...maybe 200, across the front of the line before we could get the entire line to cease fire. The ground looked like a haze all around him for all of the dirt, sand and grass that was being flung up by all those rounds. When we shut it down he finished running off the range. It was a teaching moment, all weapons cleared and on safe...aim Marines, don't just shoot or you won't hit anything.
I know this is one rabbit running like his life depended on did. But once the crowd realizes there is something wrong people are moving, ducking for cover, etc. Just spraying automatic fire rather than shooting for effect is one of the lessons we took away from Viet Nam. He killed 58, that's a big number, but the total hits was almost 570 that just seems way to efficient for a single amateur shooter at that distance...and it leaves the number of guns in the room unanswered. Just weird...I'll leave it at that for now because that's probably all we're gonna get.
I know this is one rabbit running like his life depended on did. But once the crowd realizes there is something wrong people are moving, ducking for cover, etc. Just spraying automatic fire rather than shooting for effect is one of the lessons we took away from Viet Nam. He killed 58, that's a big number, but the total hits was almost 570 that just seems way to efficient for a single amateur shooter at that distance...and it leaves the number of guns in the room unanswered. Just weird...I'll leave it at that for now because that's probably all we're gonna get.
PO3 (Join to see)
MAJ (Join to see) - You make a good point of how, what was done could be improved. And I do not mean to be confrontational or anything so please insure this is a (have a chair and beer) conversation. Granted it was less than 1% of those attended and we are both glad. Yet I am surprised and stunned that a novices at night and with the lights landed that many rounds in the zone while on full auto for each load (what ever ammo volume attached). That is the point for me that I find it hard to believe.
MAJ (Join to see)
PO3 (Join to see) - I see your point as well and you'
re not being confrontational at all. Just two guys trying to answer a lot of hard questions at this point. I'd love to add the beer to this conversation! Maybe even a cigar.
re not being confrontational at all. Just two guys trying to answer a lot of hard questions at this point. I'd love to add the beer to this conversation! Maybe even a cigar.
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