Responses: 7
Entered the USAF Academy under Ronald Reagan in 1985 and appointed as Superintendent in August under the Trump wonder his response was so appropriate.
SPC Erich Guenther
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - Well not so much Trump BUT it would be interesting to ask the General how much Ronald Reagan played a role in influencing him to set a goal for the USAF Academy. After all, it is a political sponsorship like the other academies by your Senator................And your just mad because I brought it up.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
SPC Erich Guenther - He likley would have made that decision before Reagan took office though Reagan might have had some influence, but for practical purposes if could have been Carter that influenced him. I just do not think that we can pretend to know who or what influenced him so nobody should be given credit at l all. For example I knew some good officers who entered while Nixon was President, despite him being President.
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