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Responses: 7
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
He wasn't too happy with the incident, and I don't blame him.
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SPC Erich Guenther
Edited 7 y ago
Entered the USAF Academy under Ronald Reagan in 1985 and appointed as Superintendent in August under the Trump Administration...............no wonder his response was so appropriate.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
I pity you if you think that either has anything to do with this.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
7 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - Well not so much Trump BUT it would be interesting to ask the General how much Ronald Reagan played a role in influencing him to set a goal for the USAF Academy. After all, it is a political sponsorship like the other academies by your Senator................And your just mad because I brought it up.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
SPC Erich Guenther - He likley would have made that decision before Reagan took office though Reagan might have had some influence, but for practical purposes if could have been Carter that influenced him. I just do not think that we can pretend to know who or what influenced him so nobody should be given credit at l all. For example I knew some good officers who entered while Nixon was President, despite him being President.
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LTC Stephen F.
Interesting Capt Dwayne Conyers I doubt the United States Air Force Academy Superintendent Lt. Gen. Jay B. Silveria has a goal of his speech going viral.
He has authority over the USAFA post including cadre and cadets but his authority extends know further.
He is trying to nip the racists slurs posted on message boards, etc in the bud IMHO. USAFA does not need any negative attention at this point, for many reasons.
Capt Dwayne Conyers
Capt Dwayne Conyers
7 y
The Zoomies will get past this hiccup, LTC Stephen F.. No doubt.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
This is POSITIVE attention, a motivator to join, at least for anyone that you would want to join. The AF needed attention like thsi,

It is not like the imbecility with the oath of enlistment, this is a senior officer doing the right thing very publicly.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
7 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - what do you mean when you state "the imbecility with the oath of enlistment."
People are appointed to the United States Air Force Academy like each of the other service academies. Cadet candidates are ordered to the service academy preparatory schools were they compete against themselves primarily for appointment to the respective academy.
My background includes enlisting in 1974, USMA Preparatory School (USMAPS) 1976, and USMA 1980.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
If you remember not that long ago the AF decided to ignore the Constion and say the "so help me god" at the end of the outh. The other Services b said basically "he'll know" and after a couple of weeks of obstinate idiotic theocratic BS. The Air Force backed down. I guess they finally and grydginly figured out what the term "no religious test " means.
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