Responses: 3

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Oh Gosh!!! Please read the study itself - not this perverted twisting of the study by a deeply conservative anti-LGBT christian website trotting out Walt Heyer - prominent anti-gay academic zealot to tout his own anti-LGBT publications. The study says that although the Scottish Government has made some enormous strides in dealing with anti-LGBT sentiments among uneducated Scottish youth - there is still a long way to go before young LGBT kids are no longer subjected to pervasive abuse by peers. "Only a third of LGBT students say teachers intervene to challenge bullying when they are present. Anti-LGBT language continues to be a major issue for students, with nine in ten hearing still hearing phrases like 'that's so gay' on a regular basis. Elsewhere, more than two in five LGBT young people say they have experienced anti-LGBT abuse online. Trans pupils are at particular risk: many face harassment and violence, with 71 per cent experiencing bullying at school. Two in three trans young people say that they are not able to use the toilets they feel comfortable in at school, while more than a third are not able to be known their preferred name at school. Nearly all trans young people have harmed themselves at some point." The study was not about intrinsic transgender issues - but rather self harm as a consequence of pervasive abuse and exploitation by others. Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
CW3 Lindsey Muller SSgt Alex I
PFC Lisa McDonald SSG Diane R.
SSgt Christopher Brose CPT Jack Durish
LTJG (Join to see)
CW3 Lindsey Muller SSgt Alex I
PFC Lisa McDonald SSG Diane R.
SSgt Christopher Brose CPT Jack Durish
LTJG (Join to see)
I blame transgender activist for most of the suicides I've read about these kids commuting.
President Obama really messed up using Leelah Acorns suicide letter as a reason to end conversion.
Read the letter and you can tell transgender activist were probably more to blame for that kids suicide.
Their bubble about ever having a happy life was burst by things they could only heard from within the lgbt.
The kids suicide letter spells it out. They talk about never being able to be happy because they did not get hormones early enough.
They talk about looking like a man in a dress or being miserable by being stuck as a guy.
Other kids have been sent the message hey your transgender that means you are suicidal screw up.
Its sad watching. In an early twenty something realizing because of transgender they can never simply be the heterosexual they are.
Transgender is a transvestites wet dream while murdering transsexuals.
I am not ever going to be buddy with anyone that supports the socially successfully but in real life total failure lgbt labels and group.
My heart breaks seeing the terribly high and totally unnecessary skyrocketing HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases in young men who have sex with men category.
The only ones benefitting from the LGBT are terfs and the autogynephiles behind Transgender. You guys no that.
President Obama really messed up using Leelah Acorns suicide letter as a reason to end conversion.
Read the letter and you can tell transgender activist were probably more to blame for that kids suicide.
Their bubble about ever having a happy life was burst by things they could only heard from within the lgbt.
The kids suicide letter spells it out. They talk about never being able to be happy because they did not get hormones early enough.
They talk about looking like a man in a dress or being miserable by being stuck as a guy.
Other kids have been sent the message hey your transgender that means you are suicidal screw up.
Its sad watching. In an early twenty something realizing because of transgender they can never simply be the heterosexual they are.
Transgender is a transvestites wet dream while murdering transsexuals.
I am not ever going to be buddy with anyone that supports the socially successfully but in real life total failure lgbt labels and group.
My heart breaks seeing the terribly high and totally unnecessary skyrocketing HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases in young men who have sex with men category.
The only ones benefitting from the LGBT are terfs and the autogynephiles behind Transgender. You guys no that.
I hate this. It's a direct result of the left to normalize it in children. 40% suicide attempt rate is NOT NORMAL. Those children need help, and the only thing the left offers is to herd those children down the path of chemically and surgically changing their gender.
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When you add in dual role transvestites and everything else that have been added to meet the transgender guidelines is where substantial mental health problems are associated.
The VA protocol allows for any vet to claim transgender status and sexually discriminates against and illegally experiments on Veterans like myself who do not give their individual consent to being called transgender or being "included" lgbt.
This experiment on transsexual vets is spelled out the VA transgender hormone guidelines.
At no point in my VA treatment has VA asked me my consent to be "included" in such research.
I would imagine no veteran given a gid or gd diagnosis has signed off on any required consent form.
Nih research link I pointed to containing "transgender" suicide risk contains information that was all illegally obtained as does the one from the Utah Veterans population's
That VA in actively seeking out lgbt activist to hire engaged in sexually discriminating and further criminal conduct .
There is no constitutional right label anyone lgbt or to subject them to illegal human experimentation.
In Sandy Stones paper "The empire strikes back a post ttranssexual manifesto" you can clearly see their admission to being an autogynephile!
In reading the "transsexual empire the making of the she male" by Janice Raymond you can clearly tell she is targeting her wrath at autogynephiles and given them the groundwork to create a transgender framework of legal rights for fetishistic transvestites while causing irreversible harm to the actual transsexual population.
What lesbian feminist and transgender activist have failed to inform the academic world and courts to is their inextricable and undeniable link within the BDSM and their criminal practice of it in academia and within the legal system.
Make no mistake I am going to expose and have convicted all profesional level lgbt activist for engaging in the crime of practicing BDSM on the general public and within the population they have illegally named lgbt.