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Responses: 11
LCDR Retired
NOT really a "scandal". However, it was rather STUPID to use a private charter company (EXPENSIVE and wasteful).
LTC Laborer
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
Doesn't matter what happened in past administrations or whether what Price did was perfectly legal. It was not in keeping with Trump's goal of draining the swamp. Clearly Price was given a choice ... resign and leave with a little dignity ... or get fired and leave with none at all. Sorry to see it happen ... but maybe the rest of Trump's administration will get the message. Trump isn't draining the swamp just to refill it with the same water and a different breed of swamp rats ... and that Obama's team or Bush's team or whatever other team did it ... is no excuse at all.
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MSgt Mark Bucher
This is a crock of shit. A classic example of a person having a position and allowing it to go to his head. Asshole should be in prison.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
There are many Democrats that have used the 89th military airlift Wing out of Andrews Air Force Base to send their family and friends back and forth for years to and from the West Coast under the Clinton administration. One of those democratic lawmakers is still around with us and that person ever got busted for using the Air Force assets as a bus. I'm not condoning what this man did but Democrats did the same thing and they have not been busted yet. This is been going on for decades. My friend who was a full bird colonel and worked the Beltway and the Pentagon told me about this yesterday on the phone. Due to his ill-health, he does not want to make an issue of it with Congress but he has names and examples.
MSgt Mark Bucher
MSgt Mark Bucher
7 y
LTC (Join to see) - Oh I hear you loud and clear on that. I saw abuses of power and positions numerous times during my career. The one that stands out happened at Rhein-Main AB in 84. Had the usual congressional "fact finding" tour show up after Thanksgiving. The powers that be closed the BX complex early, then reopened exclusively for the congressional delagation and staffers so they could do their' Christmas shopping without being bothered by ordinalry GIs. Pretty sad.
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SSgt Ray Stone
Drain the swamp. 45th sure knows how to pick em
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
7 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
LCDR (Join to see) - That is not true LCDR Hardy the last HHS Secretary normally flew commercial . Can you name one previous cabinet official that spent $%400K in charter flights flights in four years much less than in nine months.
LCDR Retired
LCDR (Join to see)
7 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - Well, I don't follow each member of an administration any more or less than any other tax payer. I believe any government employee should be using the same airlines we all pay to use rather than paying through the nose (at our expense) for private accommodations. No, I cannot point out any "member of the administration" per se. However, I do remember the President flying on Air Force One with an entourage, while the First Lady flew separately with another entourage (both headed for the same destination). Of course, the Tax Payers were stuck with the bills.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
RThe POTUS can't take commerical transportation nioether can the firest lady, security needs forbid it,
the Secrarty of HHS c could take a greyhound otrand nobody would care, He chartered a flight from DC tpo Philly, when he couls have just taken a commercial flight,a very comfortable train or even driven there in approximately the same time portal to portal.

The occasional flight when necessary is a cost of doing business, but the loon went overboard on our money, I know of no other cabinet member or staffer who has done so.
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