Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
Applaud the initiative, too bad the elite don't throw a few million in the pot. Prime the pump, so to speak. However, in all probability, most of the personal contributions and our tax dollars will be stolen from those in need, as in the past.
Capt Dwayne Conyers
Too bad the current POTUS won’t authorize aid to reach those desperate people...
MCPO Roger Collins
Funding is up to Congress and the President would approve anything that is within reason. What the President can do is...be sure and read the entire article.

US military sends ships, aircraft to Puerto Rico
The US military is planning to deploy the USNS Comfort hospital ship to assist with FEMA's response efforts in Puerto Rico a week after Hurricane Maria smashed the island as a Category 4 storm, several defense officials told CNN.
Nicci Eisenhauer
Yes, that money sure has gone the wrong places. I've seen that happen to people first hand. Municipalities not paying local contractors, etc. Even when the contractors have paperwork. Subcontractors really got hosed by some primes who did not pay them, too.
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