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Responses: 20
SGT Tony Long
My goddess of a wife, she voted for Trump. She made the right call for America, the US military and jobs. She is not only the hottest Mexican women that ever walked on earth, a perfect mother of 4 children and home schooling women but she is one patriotic American Catholic. I have been blessed with over 31 years of marriage to her now. We are Cincinnati Ohio proud.
PO1 Don Gulizia
PO1 Don Gulizia
7 y
Like a lot of other folks, my wife didn't exactly vote for Trump, but against Hillary.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
7 y
PO1 Don Gulizia - Speaking of Clinton, did she remind us of how her spouse treated women, yet still voted for Hillary? One was words (Trump), the other actions (Bill Clinton). More hypocrisy from the left, IMO.
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
7 y
MCPO Roger Collins and PO1 Don Gulizia
Bill Clinton - "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky."
Enough said.
CPO Robert (Mac) McGovern
CPO Robert (Mac) McGovern
7 y
SSG Robert Webster - When Bill said he did not have sex with that woman, he was not talking about Monica, he was talking about Hilary!
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CPT Jack Durish
When we speak of entitlement, I see Michelle Obama in my mind's eye. When we speak of human connection, she is the last person I see.
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SGT Maria Q.
I guess she forgot what she and her husband said about Hillary when she was running against her husband.... what a classless hypocrite
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
7 y
SGT Maria Q. And what do the apologist say about that - "Whether Michelle was attempting to slide a sly dig in at Clinton or not, we'll never really know. It is clear that the Obamas and Clinton tried to outdo one another during the primaries, but hey — they were, at that point, running in competition to each other. Exchanging a few heated words at a debate or saying you're more prepared than the other candidate shouldn't really be all that surprising."

It is interesting to note that the apologist are not able to swallow their own medicine when it comes to Trump. (Pun not intended, but what a pun it is.)
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