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Responses: 5
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
The unpleasant situations I find myself in stem from just what is being said here. The anger over how the reverse racism excludes whites who are victimized. My son and I are stuck with that stigma because we are black even though we are good citizens, good neighbors, and respect people we encounter. When justice tilts towards favoritism towards the popular issue, tilts towards apathy, tilts towards taking an easy path away from a hot issue, it creates unrest. This kind of thing will encourage the resurrengence if the KKK as a part of victimized white lives.
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
3 y
AN Tim Rafferty these statements are very true. What is not widely taught in history, or ever was us this in the American slavery period, the elite (upper class property owners and professionals) outted the poor white and blacks against each other. Hence the power of the kkk endured fear in the black community. But the poor white were not benefitting they were only encouraged with words of superiority that gave them a mental sense of power.
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
3 y
AN Tim Rafferty all if this history I know also. I just used the American slave example because it continues to carry over, but through different venues as you have described. I am conservative. Yes, many describe conservative ad racist. But we know better. It is called PROOER STANDARDS OF SOCIETY as they existed in formation of our American society by the Founding Fathers.
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AA Joseph Moody
To show concern about whites being killed for the color of their skin is considered racism in many of the more liberal circles I'm in.
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SSG Diane R.
In fact, all lives matter. (That is actually considered actionable hate speach in Massachusetts)
SSG Aircraft Mechanic
SSG (Join to see)
7 y
Massachusetts votes for people like Elizabeth Warren. Are we really surprised? lol
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