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Responses: 9
CPT John Sheridan
What a knucklehead!

I read it and the linked article. I see views that are not likely to make him popular with his peers. What I don't see is a call to overthrow the government or the Constitution. Communism is a failed economic system, not a political system. Some real nasty characters, such as Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse Tung have used it as a means to achieve totalitarian rule, but it has also been an economic system used by democratically ruled communes, kibbutzes, etc.

In terms of Federal Law, political activity is fairly narrowly defined. It involves public support to or advocacy of a candidate for office or a political party. That is not present in his writing. Arguably, an active duty member on Rallypoint making statements in support of a candidate or party are conducting political activity, but the subject 2LT is not.

There is perhaps some uniform violations in the photos. Maybe some conduct unbecoming, discredit upon the institution, but mostly, it's a knucklehead ill advisedly expressing his views.
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LTC Orlando Illi
Unfortunately it is all to real. I personally spoke with the USMA Office of Public Affairs. This individual is currently serving with troops. Think about that
1LT Kurt Mccarthy
1LT Kurt Mccarthy
7 y
I agree, he needs to go! He will end up getting Soldiers KIA, especially with all of the threats we are facing now. Not sure what is going on with the Army right now. I would think any CDR that caught wind of this guy would Art-15 and chapter his rear-end. It is a different army and many regulations were put in place allowing leaches and people like this guy to have the system by the balls.
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Capt Gregory Prickett
Edited 7 y ago
So, let me get this straight. Military officers swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, which includes freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of association, and so on.

But these same officers are not allowed to have thoughts that are not approved by the chain of command, they are not allowed to belong to the political movement of their choosing, they are not allowed to speak unless it meets the approval of other officers.

As long as he does his job, he should be OK. He severed in a Ranger Battalion, has a CIB, and completed 4-years of West Point, and y'all are in an uproar because he's a socialist/communist? Besides, it's a failed system. Being either socialist or communist is not against the law, nor do those political views prohibit his service.

Those who think otherwise should be ashamed of themselves.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
7 y
MAJ (Join to see) - Oh? And where is it written that being communist equates to demanding the overthrow of the government? That's not part of the Communist Party, USA's doctrine. He believes in communism. So what? That doesn't equate to disloyalty to the United States.
MAJ Contracting Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
7 y
GySgt John Olson "Communism will win" clearly is antagonistic to our current form of government. Mattis is "the most vile, evil fuck in the current administration" Please explain how that is not a violation of UCMJ!
The constitution is very clear on economic liberty, the 10th amendment is very clearly incompatible with communism. Now if a state wanted to implement it that would be permissible, but the federal government cannot.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
7 y
Anyone in uniform can have whatever political ideology they want - you just can't practice it IN uniform. That's the only issue I see here. He made a blatant political display IN uniform. That's why he's being investigated. He should be investigated for doing this in uniform.

And he got kicked out of the Ranger battalion too.
MSgt Munitions and Weapons Maintenance Supervisor
MSgt (Join to see)
7 y
Just because you can invite your ex-wife to your wedding doesn't mean you should do it. I don't have any confidence in his leadership or thought process. Lack of Sound judgement.
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