Posted on Sep 25, 2017
Advice To Young Academy Grads: Nobody Cares – gCaptain
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
SN Greg Wright he spoke the Gospel, right there. I mean, how many came out of one of the academies thinking they were God's gift to that particular service, just to have a SNCO knock them down several rungs on the ladder?
Perhaps.....and this may sound like a crazy idea.....but perhaps the Academies should have a class entitled "Actual Military Service 101" (or something along those lines). And, as I am all about helping others, I volunteer to be the first Professor to instruct this class.
I will say that I was prior enlisted going into the Naval Academy.... When I graduated, I had the same problems as all the other officers from other commissioning sources. I didn't think there was much difference as Division Officers. When I went back to sea as a Department Head (CHENG), I had 4 brand new officers working for me (3 USNA, 1 ROTC). I had more trouble with 2 of the USNA officers that thought that they world was owed them. The other USNA grad and ROTC grad ran circles around most of the 1st and 2 nd tour DIVOS.
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