Posted on Sep 20, 2017
8-year-old Cahokia football team kneels during anthem ahead of recent game
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Cahokia is in Illinois. Unfortunately it's an economically challenged area. I'm sad the coach chose to teach racial division instead of patriotism. He's making good little victims instead of winners. Not a real surprise in a state run by corrupt Chicago Dems.
For what it's worth, enrollment at Univ of MO Columbia is way down after their BLM demonstrations 2 years ago.
For what it's worth, enrollment at Univ of MO Columbia is way down after their BLM demonstrations 2 years ago.
At that age, it is the coach or coaches, young kids just want to play and have fun, affairs of the world are not one of the topics they wake up thinking about. It is like the kindergartner who's parents claim is a transgender student. How many 5 year old's really worry about what sex they are etc. Adults are trying to push their agenda onto young children, who should be left alone to be kids, let them grow up over time and develop their own idea's.
AFAIK, the kneeling is in response to the third verse of Francis Scott Key’s anthem that is not regularly sung, but which seems to be an endorsement of mistreatment of slaves (granted, the entire subject of slavery is a sore point for many). Whether or not this is anti-patriotism is up to individual interpretation. We can read the full four verses of the Star Spangled Banner on-line at

Francis Scott Key was a gifted amateur poet. Inspired by the sight of the American flag flying over Fort McHenry the morning after the bombardment, he scribbled the initial verse of his song on the back of a letter. Back in Baltimore, he completed the four verses and copied them onto a sheet of paper, probably making more than one copy. A local printer issued the new song as a broadside. Shortly afterward, two Baltimore newspapers published...
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Capt Dwayne Conyers - As I had already stated the entire article and also the video said nothing about Francis Scott Keyes written composition or those words being included before the star spangled banner became the National Anthem. The events in St Louis was the issue mentioned. There was nothing here that even suggested and tie to any words past or present tin the national anthem. I don't have a problem with people that have opinions on issue, they have a right to express themselves as long as peaceful means are used to achieve that. but this is one way I do NOT approve of although I guess I made that pretty clear. I know both of us served this country and We do I'm sure both know of issues that are unacceptable in the treatment of some of our people which We can't pretend didn't happen, it did. Those issues shouldn't be forgotten, histories lessons need to be learned so the same mistakes aren't made again. This blatant disrespect for the flag however in my opinion isn't acceptable for any reason. All of us need to think of only one race the, the human race and that all of us are Americans and take pride not only in who they are as individuals but also the larger group of their fellow citizens. We don't need to mislead any of our youth,We need them to do a better job than some of the generations before us and certainly many that are here now. Many of the problems between groups of people are learned by children from adults, kids don't start off with those attitudes usually but are influenced by other. Although i have expressed an strong opinion on this one issue of the National anthem I'm sure You and I will continue to talk and I suspect that actually both of us have the same love for this country. I'll close by thanking You for Your Military service.
MAJ Byron Oyler
You mention slavery and how it is a sore point for many. We are working hard in this country to hate each other like the Jews and Arabs and like these 8yr olds, most 8yo Jews probably don’t have a good reason to hate Arabs other than being told to; none were alive when the feud started.
Capt Dwayne Conyers
I am not endorsing hate, MAJ Byron Oyler, but simply putting some context behind the phenomenon that started with NFL players kneeling.
MAJ Byron Oyler
I didn't mean to imply that you did CPT, making a general statement that is the path we are headed towards.
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